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Nukkit is nuclear-powered server software for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. It has a few key advantages over other server software:

Nukkit is under improvement yet, we welcome contributions.


Compile Nukkit

The compiled JAR can be found in the target/ directory.

Note: You don't need to compile Nukkit yourself if you don't intend to modify the code. You can find precompiled JARs on Jenkins.


Simply run java -jar nukkit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.

Plugin API

Information on Nukkit's API can be found at the wiki.


Running Nukkit in Docker (17.05+ or higher).

Build image from the source,

docker build -t nukkit .

Run once to generate the nukkit-data volume, default settings, and choose language,

docker run -it -p 19132:19132/udp -v nukkit-data:/data nukkit

Docker Compose

Use docker-compose to start server on port 19132 and with nukkit-data volume,

docker-compose up -d

Kubernetes & Helm

Validate the chart:

helm lint charts/nukkit

Dry run and print out rendered YAML:

helm install --dry-run --debug nukkit charts/nukkit

Install the chart:

helm install nukkit charts/nukkit

Or, with some different values:

helm install nukkit \
  --set image.tag="arm64" \
  --set service.type="LoadBalancer" \

Or, the same but with a custom values from a file:

helm install nukkit \
  -f helm-values.local.yaml \

Upgrade the chart:

helm upgrade nukkit charts/nukkit

Testing after deployment:

helm test nukkit

Completely remove the chart:

helm uninstall nukkit

Pterodactyl Panel

Download the official egg