

CleverStack Email (Sendgrid, Mandrill and/or MailGun) Module

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CleverStack Email (Sendgrid, Mandrill and/or MailGun) Module

<blockquote> This CleverStack Module integrates with Sendgrid, Mandrill and/or MailGun to provide CleverStack application developers with clever, simple email sending and recieving. </blockquote>


See cleverstack.io for more detailed information on the Node seed or visit the Getting Started Guide


  1. From your project folder run clever install clever-email

  2. In the config file for your desired environment (ie. backend/config/local.json), update the clever-email object with the details for your database.

  3. From your project's backend folder, run NODE_ENV=LOCAL grunt db. The database tables for your modules should now be installed and seeded with data!