


A Xamarin Library for handling YouTube API requests

Table of Contents

  1. Initialization
  2. Code version of Api requests
  3. Playlists
  4. Channels
  5. AnyRequests

Initialization<a name="Initialization"></a>

The Plugin could be created with only the api key or both an api key and an access token. provididng an acces token allows for more functionality

using YoutubeLibrary.youtube;
public MainWindow()
  string ApiKey = "API_KEY";
  string Accesstoken = "ACCESS_TOKEN";
  YoutubeClient youtube = new YoutubeClient(ApiKey);
  YoutubeClient youtube2 = new YoutubeClient(ApiKey, Accesstoken);

Code version of Api requests<a name="Api_Requests"></a>

An example of Api requests and the corresponding parts of the code

POST https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlists?part=snippet&part=contentDetails&prettyPrint=true&key=[API_KEY] HTTP/1.1 </br> A single parameter is: </br> part=snippet </br> Combination of multiple parameters </br> part=contentDetails&prettyPrint=true </br>

Adding a parameter

Parameter[] parameter = {new Parameter("prettyPrint", "true"), new Parameter("alt", "json")}; 

Adding a body

Bodies are json objects, the Body_Item class is used to acheive this Json structure<br> Body_Item class can store a single value

var b= new Body_Item("itemcount", "1")
//The equilavent
 "itemCount": 1

Or multiple Body_Item classes

Body_Item contentDetails = new Body_Item("contentDetails");
contentDetails.values.Add(new Body_Item("itemcount", "1"));
contentDetails.values.Add(new Body_Item("itemcount", "2"));
"contentDetails": {
    "itemCount": 1,
    "itemCount": 2

With this you are able to form Json objects</br> Example: The code equivalent of this Json

  "contentDetails": {
    "itemCount": 1
  "snippet": {
    "title": "playlistsTitle",
    "description": "playlistsDescription",
    "localized": {
      "title": "local",
      "description": "localDescription"
 Body_Item snippetItems = new Body_Item("snippet");
            snippetItems.values.Add(new Body_Item("title", "playlistTitle"));
            snippetItems.values.Add(new Body_Item("description", "playlistsDescription"));
            snippetItems.values.Add(new Body_Item("localized", new List<Body_Item> { new Body_Item("title", "local"), new Body_Item("description", "LocalDescription") }));

            Body_Item contentDetails = new Body_Item("contentDetails");
            contentDetails.values.Add(new Body_Item("itemcount", "1"));
 var body = new List<Body_Item> { contentDetails, snippetItems}        

Playlists <a name="Playlists"></a>

Retrieve playlists

To get the playlists calls the youtubeClient.playlistsList.getPlaylistAsync(String[] part, bool Mine) methods. This is an overloaded methood that takes in the following : the parts, Mine, parameter(optional);

public Main()
   YoutubeClient youtubeClient = new YoutubeClient(ApiKey, token);
   PlaylistResponse Playlists = await youtubeClient.playlistsList.getPlaylistAsync(new string[] { "snippet" }, true);

And then you could do

Parameter[] parameter = {new Parameter("prettyPrint", "true"), new Parameter("alt", "json")};
PlaylistResponse Playlists = await youtubeClient.playlistsList.getPlaylistAsync(new string[] { "snippet" }, true, parameter);

Delete playlists

string id="playlist_id";
var response = await youtubeClient.playlistsList.deletePlaylistAsync(id);

Insert playlists

To insert a playlist you call the overloaded insertPlaylistAsync Methods

PlaylistResponse playlist = await youtubeClient.playlistsList.insertPlaylistAsync("playlistTitle", "Description", new string[] { "snippet" });

You could optionally add parameters

PlaylistResponse playlist = await youtubeClient.playlistsList.insertPlaylistAsync("playlistTitle", "Description", new string[] { "snippet", }, parameter );

Channels <a name="Channels"></a>

Search for a channel by channel name

string channelName = "Google Developers";
ChannelResponse channelResponse = await youtubeClient.channel.searchByUsernameAsync(channelName);

Search for a channel by channel id

string id = "Channel_Id";
ChannelResponse channelResponse = await youtubeClient.channel.searchByIdAsync(id);

Get your own channel

ChannelResponse channelResponse = await youtubeClient.channel.getMyChannelAsync(true);

AnyRequests<a name="AnyRequests"></a>

This method here can be used to make any sort of requests

Task<HttpResponseMessage> makeRequestAsync(Method method, string youtube, string resource, string stringParameter, Parameter[] parameter = null, List<Body_Item> body = null)

Here you specify the HTTPMethod, the Http request(youtube), the resource, parameters and optionally, the body. The method returns the result as a HttpResponseMessage

 HttpResponseMessage result = await youtubeClient.anyRequest.makeRequestAsync(Method.GET, "https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/", "playlists?", "part=snippet&part=contentDetails&mine=true");


 HttpResponseMessage result = await youtubeClient.anyRequest.makeRequestAsync(Method.GET, "https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/", "playlists?", "", new Parameter[]{new Parameter("part","contentDetatils")});