

<h2>Talos Universal TeslaDecrypter</h2> <h5>Version 1.0</h5> An application able to decrypt all the files encrypted by all version of TeslaCrypt and AlphaCrypt: <ul> <li>TeslaCrypt 0.x - Encrypts files using an AES-256 CBC algorithm</li> <li>AlphaCrypt 0.x - Encrypts files using AES-256 and encrypts the key with EC</li> <li>TeslaCrypt 2.x - Same as before, but uses EC to create a weak Recovery key. The application is able to use factorization to recover the victim's global private key.</li> <li>TeslaCrypt 3 & 4 - The last ultimate versions. We are able to decrypt their files because we have sink-holed the C&C server EC private key. </ul> <br> <h5>Compiling</h5> To proper compile the code you should have OpenSsl installed in a particular root directory (like "C:\OpenSsl"), and an environment variable named "openssldir" that points to it.<br> You can find an handy pre-compiled OpenSsl package here:<br> <a href="http://www.npcglib.org/~stathis/blog/precompiled-openssl/">www.npcglib.org/~stathis/blog/precompiled-openssl/</a><br> The code has been tested with 2 environments: Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2015.<br> To proper allow the factorization to run, you should add 2 Msieve files inside the compiled application path: <ul> <li>msieve152.exe</li> <li>pthreadGC2.dll</li> </ul> Those files have been already included in this repository. You can find a copy of Msieve here:<br> <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/msieve/">https://sourceforge.net/projects/msieve/</a><br> <br> <h5>Improvements</h5> This application contains a lot of improvements and modifications in respect to TeslaDecrypter 0.2. Here is a complete list: <ul> <li>Re-designed the decryption algorithm (now it properly deals with big files and uses less memory)</li> <li>Added support for the Factorization algorithm (TeslaCrypt 2.x) able to reconstruct the victim's private key (Yes, written in plain C++ :-) and 50 times faster than its Python counterpart)</li> <li>An algorithm able to manage and launch Msieve, and parse its log file</li> <li>Added support for TeslaCrypt 3.x and 4.x</li> <li>Added key verification algorithms (TeslaCrypt 2.x/3/4) - In this way the Decryptor <u>can't produce</u> invalid files</li> <li>A powerful command line arguments</li> <li>Imported leaked TeslaCrypt 3.x/4 C&C private key </li> </ul> <br> <br> Last revision: 05/31/2016