

Ghidraaas - Ghidra as a Service

Ghidraaas is a simple web server that exposes Ghidra analysis through REST APIs. The project includes three Ghidra plugins to analyze a sample, get the list of functions and to decompile a function.

Ghidraaas is also the backend of GhIDA, the IDA plugin that integrates the Ghidra decompiler in IDA Pro.

How does it work?

Ghidraaas uses Ghidra Headless Analyzer to analyze the submitted sample. Then, the Ghidra project (the *.gpr file and the *.rep folder) is kept on the server until the analysis_terminated API is called. Three Ghidra Python plugins are called by the Headless Analyzer on the sample's project to extract the list of functions and to decompile the requested function.


Ghidraaas implements generic APIs to analyze a sample, get the list of functions and the decompiled code of a function, but it also includes some specific APIs to interact with the GhIDA plugin.

Ghidraaas generic APIs:

GhIDA specific APIs:

An example on how to use the APIs can be found in test.py.


Lazy installation with Docker

docker_config.json contains the configuration file of Ghidraaas (no changes are needed).

docker build -t ghidraaas .
docker run -p 8080:8080 -t ghidraaas
cd tests
python3 test.py

Manual installation (no docker)

python3 -m virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
wget -O ghidra.zip https://ghidra-sre.org/ghidra_9.1.2_PUBLIC_20200212.zip
unzip ghidra.zip
rm ghidra.zip
gunicorn -w 2 -t 300 -b flask_api:app
cd tests
python3 test.py

Bugs and suggestion

If you discover a bug, or you have any improvements or suggestions, please open an issue.

Be sure to include as many details as possible in order to reproduce the bug.


Ghidraaas is licensed under the Apache License 2.0

The original Dockerfile and launch.sh.patch are from bskaggs/ghidra-docker.