


BCMeshTransformView makes it easy to apply a mesh transform to a view hierarchy. It's inspired by a private CALayer property meshTransform and its value class CAMeshTransform. I highly recommend taking look at the blog post on those two as it explains the concepts in depth and hopefully justifies some API choices I made.


The demo app contains a few examples of how a mesh transform works and what it can achieve.


BCMeshTransformView is available via CocoaPods:

pod 'BCMeshTransformView'

Alternatively, you can copy the contents of BCMeshTransformView folder to your project and include BCMeshTransformView.h.


You may optionally include OpenGL ES framework, as this will enable frame capturing.

Using BCMeshTransformView

	// create an instance
    BCMeshTransformView *meshView = [[BCMeshTransformView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 400, 300)];
    UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 400, 300)];

	// add a view hierarchy to a contentView, subviews of contentView will get mesh-transformed
	[meshView.contentView addSubview:label];
	// apply a mesh
	meshView.meshTransform = [self simpleMeshTransform];

    [self.view addSubview:meshView];

Remember to add any subviews you want to get mesh-transformed to contentView, not the view itself. The class will conveniently warn when you call addSubview: method on its instance.

Using BCMeshTransform

A mesh transform consists of two different primitives: vertices and faces.


A single vertex is represented by BCMeshVertex struct and consists of from and to fields:

typedef struct BCMeshVertex {
    CGPoint from;
    BCPoint3D to;
} BCMeshVertex;

A vertex defines mapping between the point on the surface of the view and its transformed position in the 3D space.

Both from and to field are defined in unit coordinates, similarly to how anchorPoint property of CALayer works.


A face is defined by four vertices it's spanned on. Vertices are referenced by their index in the vertices array of a mesh transform.

typedef struct BCMeshFace {
    unsigned int indices[4];
} BCMeshFace;

Depth Normalization

Since vertices are defined in unit coordinates specifies the missing depth scale has to be defined as a function of the other two coordinates. The depthNormalization parameter can be set to one of the following six constants:

extern NSString * const kBCDepthNormalizationNone;
extern NSString * const kBCDepthNormalizationWidth;
extern NSString * const kBCDepthNormalizationHeight;
extern NSString * const kBCDepthNormalizationMin;
extern NSString * const kBCDepthNormalizationMax;
extern NSString * const kBCDepthNormalizationAverage;

Simple Mesh Transform

Here's how the simplest mesh transform actually looks like:

- (BCMeshTransform *)simpleMeshTransform
    BCMeshVertex vertices[] = {
        {.from = {0.0, 0.0}, .to= {0.5, 0.0, 0.0}},
        {.from = {1.0, 0.0}, .to= {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}},
        {.from = {1.0, 1.0}, .to= {1.0, 1.0, 0.0}},
        {.from = {0.0, 1.0}, .to= {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}},
    BCMeshFace faces[] = {
        {.indices = {0, 1, 2, 3}},
    return [BCMeshTransform meshTransformWithVertexCount:4

This transform will perform a very simple skew transform, and you can tweak it further by modifying positions of to vertices. Check out the mesh transforms in the demo app to learn how to create more complex effects.

Although BCMeshTransform is the default base class, the mutable counterpart, BCMutableMeshTransform, is much more convenient to use.


All versions of block-based UIView animations are supported, apart from keyframe and spring animations. Animation always begins from the current state, regardless of presence of UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState flag.

For an animation to occur, the current and final meshes have to be compatible:


BCMeshTransformView supports a simple lighting model in a form of diffuse lighting with pure white light:

@property (nonatomic) BCPoint3D lightDirection;
@property (nonatomic) float diffuseLightFactor;

The lightDirection property defines the direction of a light source in the scene. The vector doesn't have to be normalized and by default it's equal to {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}.

The diffuseLightFactor defines how much does diffuse lighting influence the general lighting of the scene. When it's equal to 1.0 the entire scene uses pure diffuse lighting, when equal to 0.0, the scene is only lit by ambient lighting. Values in between modify the percentage accordingly.

Supplementary Transforms

BCMeshTransformView supports arbitrary matrix transformations in a form of the following property:

@property (nonatomic) CATransform3D supplementaryTransform;

Every mesh vertex in the scene gets transformed with supplementaryTransform. The property can be used to apply perspective transform or any other common operation like rotation, translation and scale.

Convenience Mesh Methods

Creating BCMutableMeshTransform from scratch is tedious so I created a few convenience methods that should make the process much more pleasant:

Identity Mesh Transform

This method creates a mesh transform with given number of rows and columns of faces. Generated mesh is uniform and it doesn't contain any disturbances - applying it to BCMeshView won't have any visual effect, but it's a great start for further modifications:

+ (instancetype)identityMeshTransformWithNumberOfRows:(NSUInteger)rowsOfFaces


Instead of manually creating buffer storage for the default constructor, you can use the following class method:

+ (instancetype)meshTransformWithVertexCount:(NSUInteger)vertexCount
                             vertexGenerator:(BCMeshVertex (^)(NSUInteger vertexIndex))vertexGenerator
                               faceGenerator:(BCMeshFace (^)(NSUInteger faceIndex))faceGenerator;

The blocks will be called vertexCount and faceCount times respectively.


A very convenient map method makes it very easy to modify existing BCMutableMeshTransform. It's extremely useful with dense identity transforms:

- (void)mapVerticesUsingBlock:(BCMeshVertex (^)(BCMeshVertex vertex, NSUInteger vertexIndex))block;
