

<p align="center"> <h3 align="center"><strong>LiveMind: Low-latency Large Language Models with Simultaneous Inference</strong></h3> <p align="center"> Chuangtao Chen<sup>1</sup>, Grace Li Zhang<sup>2</sup>, XunZhao Yin<sup>3</sup>, Cheng Zhuo<sup>3</sup>, Ulf Schlichtmann<sup>1</sup>, Bing Li<sup>1</sup><br> <sup>1</sup>Technical University of Munich<br> <sup>2</sup>Technical University of Darmstadt<br> <sup>3</sup>Zhejiang Univerity </p> <div align="center">

<a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.14319'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/arXiv-2406.14319-b31b1b.svg'></a>       <a href=''><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue'></a>      

</div> <p align="center"> <img src="./res/01_overview.png" alt width="700" > <em><br>(a) LiveMind inference with Llama-3-70B model; (b) LiveMind collaborative inference with Llama-3-70B and Llama-3-8B models; (c) Conventional CoT inference.</em> <video src="https://github.com/ChuangtaoChen-TUM/LiveMind/assets/12672821/5670677b-7030-4584-b65d-4ee702c2d021" width="720" controls></video><em><br>A Demo with gradio of conventional Chain-of-Thought inference (left) and LiveMind simultanous inference (right) with streaming input. See `Playground` section for more information. </em> </p>


Reproduce Experimental Results


Install required packages:

pip install datasets alive_progress nltk

Before running the script, you need to change the following configurations in live_mind/config.py to set the LLMs and datasets:

  1. MMLU_PRO_PATH: path to the MMLU-Pro dataset, the path should contains .parquet dataset files;
  2. Implement the get_model method: you can use your own model here as long it has the required method (see live_mind/config.py);
  3. You can also use the get_model_vllm_example implementation;
  4. To use the get_model_vllm_example function, you need to specify the paths LLAMA_3_8B_PATH and LLAMA_3_70B_PATH. A config.json file and tokenizer.json file should be found in these paths. Besides, make sure the packages vllm and transformers are installed.
pip install vllm transformers
  1. Models used in the paper: Llama-3-70B, Llama-3-8B

Run real-time estimation

Run the following commands to reproduce the results of real-time estimation:

python run_solver.py --model llama-3-70b --use_lm --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/time_info/llama_3_70b_lm/all.json
python run_solver.py --model llama-3-70b --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/time_info/llama_3_70b_base/all.json
python run_solver.py --model llama-3-70b --assist_model llama-3-8b --use_lm --action_set SAS --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/time_info/llama_3_70b_w_8b_lm/all.json
python run_solver.py --model llama-3-8b --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/time_info/llama_3_8b_base/all.json

Run batched inference

Run the following commands to reproduce the results of batched inference:

python run_batch_solver.py --model llama-3-70b --use_lm --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/batched/llama_3_70b_lm/all.json
python run_batch_solver.py --model llama-3-70b --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/batched/llama_3_70b_base/all.json
python run_batch_solver.py --model llama-3-70b --use_lm --assist_model llama-3-8b --action_set SAS --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/batched/llama_3_70b_w_8b_lm/all.json
python run_batch_solver.py --model llama-3-8b --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/batched/llama_3_8b_base/all.json

Result analysis

Run the following commands to analyze the output files and reproduce the experiment results:

Real-time latency measure

python analyze_time_info.py ./output/mmlu_pro/time_info/llama_3_70b_lm/all.json
python analyze_time_info.py ./output/mmlu_pro/time_info/llama_3_70b_base/all.json
python analyze_time_info.py ./output/mmlu_pro/time_info/llama_3_70b_w_8b_lm/all.json
python analyze_time_info.py ./output/mmlu_pro/time_info/llama_3_8b_base/all.json

This step will create two csv files: timeinfo_by_category.csv and timeinfo_by_len.csv at each folder with the all.json file.

Batched inference

python analyze_batched.py ./output/mmlu_pro/batched/llama_3_70b_lm/all.json
python analyze_batched.py ./output/mmlu_pro/batched/llama_3_70b_base/all.json
python analyze_batched.py ./output/mmlu_pro/batched/llama_3_70b_w_8b_lm/all.json
python analyze_batched.py ./output/mmlu_pro/batched/llama_3_8b_base/all.json

This step will create two csv files: timeinfo_by_category.csv and timeinfo_by_len.csv at each folder with the all.json file.

Action analysis

Run the following commands to reproduce the results present in Sec. 4.4 in the paper:

Action percentage

python analyze_actions.py ./output/mmlu_pro/batched/llama_3_70b_lm/all.json
python analyze_actions.py ./output/mmlu_pro/batched/llama_3_70b_w_8b_lm/all.json

This step will create two csv files: actions_per_step and actions_per_len in these two folders, corresponding to the data presented in Fig. 8.

Action set

To reproduce the results in Table 2, first run the batched inference with the following configurations:

python run_batch_solver.py --model llama-3-8b --use_lm --action_set CAS --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/ablation/llama_3_8b_lm_comp/all.json
python run_batch_solver.py --model llama-3-8b --use_lm --action_set SAS --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/ablation/llama_3_8b_lm_simp/all.json
python run_batch_solver.py --model llama-3-8b --use_lm --assist_model llama-3-70b --action_set CAS --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/ablation/llama_3_8b_w_70b_lm_comp/all.json
python run_batch_solver.py --model llama-3-8b --use_lm --assist_model llama-3-70b --action_set SAS --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/ablation/llama_3_8b_w_70b_lm_simp/all.json
python run_batch_solver.py --model llama-3-70b --use_lm --action_set SAS --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/ablation/llama_3_70b_lm_simp/all.json
python run_batch_solver.py --model llama-3-70b --use_lm --assist_model llama-3-8b --action_set CAS --output_file ./output/mmlu_pro/ablation/llama_3_70b_w_8b_lm_simp/all.json

Then run python analyze_batched.py **/all.json to report the results.


We impleted a demo with gradio and textual. In the demos, you can interact with LLMs through the LiveMind framework, allowing the LLM to take actions as you type in the text box! To run the demo, you need to install vllm and transformers:

pip install vllm transformers

To run the demo in gradio, you need to install gradio; to run the demo in textual, you need to install textual (you can select either):

pip install textual
pip install gradio

then, set the model paths in playground/config.py with your own model paths. The paths should contain a config.json file and a tokenizer.json file. You can download the models from huggingface. For example, Llama-3-70B, Llama-3-8B.

Gradio Demo

Run the demo in gradio, use

python run_playground.py --gradio --model llama-3-70b --use_lm

Type your message in the text box and press enter to send the message, you can change wether to use the LiveMind (LM) framework by clicking the checkbox.

<p align="center"> <img src="./res/04_gradio_demo.png" alt="drawing" width="500"/> </p>

In LiveMind inference mode, the model can perform inferences when you are typing. The actions performed are displayed in the Actions textbox. You can also include --log when launching the demo, then the actions will be logged in the log file playground/log.log.

You can use --assist_model [model_name] to use a different model as the output model, as mentioned in the paper.

Textual Demo

You can also run the demo implemented with textual in your terminal, simply use:

python run_playground.py --textual --model llama-3-70b --use_lm

when using --use_lm, the model is running in LiveMind mode, which means it can inference when you are typing. Click the send button to send the message.

<p align="center"> <img src="./res/02_demo_lm.png" alt="drawing" width="500"/> </p>

The actions performed by the LLM are not displayed in the chat window. To see the model actions, include --log when launching the demo, then the actions will be logged in the log file playground/log.log.

If you do not include --use_lm, the chat will be running in normal mode without the LiveMind framework.


To cite our work:

      title={{LiveMind}: Low-latency Large Language Models with Simultaneous Inference},
      author={Chuangtao Chen and Grace Li Zhang and Xunzhao Yin and Cheng Zhuo and Ulf Schlichtmann and Bing Li},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.14319},