


This repo contains the code and static data used to create a COVID-19 dashboard for South Africa. This was done as part of the interviewing process at Panthera.

How to run the dashboard locally

<br />

To run it locally on Windows:<br /> Download and run the COVID_RSA.bat file.


Download the COVID_RSA.rar file.

  1. Unzip the file
  2. Run COVID_RSA Pull.bat to pull the image from docker hub
  3. Run COVID_RSA Run.bat to spin up a container and launch the dashboard in your browser
  4. Run COVID_RSA Kill.bat to shut down container and remove it when finished
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To run it locally on MacOS:<br /> Download and run the COVID_RSA.command file.


Download the COVID_RSA.zip file.

  1. Unzip the file
  2. Run COVID_RSA Pull.command to pull the image from docker hub
  3. Run COVID_RSA Run.command to spin up a container and launch the dashboard in your browser
  4. Run COVID_RSA Kill.command to shut down container and remove it when finished

Data source

The Dynamic data for this project is sourced from the Data Science for Social Impact Research Group. A lot of insipiration was also taken from their own dashboard. The static data was obtained from Stats SA.

Notable statistics

On this dashboard we display multiple statistics that describe COVID-19. The aim of the dashboard is to aid in travel decision making when travelling within South Africa.

How to use the dashboard

A statistic to view is selected from the buttons above each plot. Further selection of what data to view can be done by clicking and double-clicking on the legend of each plot. This may help with singling out specific lines in the line charts. To overcome the current bug with the mobility line graphs you have to drag a window over the section of the plot that contains the data. This way the data will be fitted to the plot. Just remember that double-clicking on the plot will reset it to the normal zoom level. The plots could also be manipulated and then saved as images locally for offline use. Alternatively the dashboard can also be accessed as a docker image to be run locally by pulling the image from Docker Hub. This is done with the following command: "docker pull gcmarais/panthera_interview"

Notable statistics on the dashboard map:

Notable statistics in dashboard table:

Notable statistics in dashboard line graphs: