

bilm-tf for E2E-German with TüBa-D/Z

Tensorflow implementation of the pretrained biLM used to compute ELMo representations from "Deep contextualized word representations".

This repository supports both training biLMs and using pre-trained models for prediction.

We also have a pytorch implementation available in AllenNLP.

You may also find it easier to use the version provided in Tensorflow Hub if you just like to make predictions.


  author={Peters, Matthew E. and  Neumann, Mark and Iyyer, Mohit and Gardner, Matt and Clark, Christopher and Lee, Kenton and Zettlemoyer, Luke},
  title={Deep contextualized word representations},
  booktitle={Proc. of NAACL},


Install python version 3.5 or later, tensorflow version 1.2 and h5py:

pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==1.2 h5py
python3 setup.py install

Ensure the tests pass in your environment by running:

python3 -m unittest discover tests/

Using bilm-tf for E2E-German and TüBa-D/Z

First download the pretrained german elmo model from https://github.com/t-systems-on-site-services-gmbh/german-elmo-model

Then use the parse_tuebadz.py script to convert your CoNLL Data from TüBa-D/Z into raw text. The scripts were applied on the TüBa-D/Z version 9.1 datasets in CoNLL Format. Output name should be 'raw_text.txt' and must be in the folder data/raw_text.txt. Otherwise the usage_cached.py needs to be edited.

python3 parse_tuebadz.py --conll-input-name-- --output-name--

Afterwards use the usage_cached.py script to create the Elmo Embeddings for the raw text input file.

python3 usage_cached.py

This creates a elmo_embeddings.hdf5 file, which has the wrong data format. To convert it to the E2E format use the key_mapper.py script, which takes the CoNLL data, the created elmo embeddings from usage_cached and the new name of the elmo embedding file as arguments.

python3 key_mapper.py --conll-input-name-- --elmo-input-name-- --elmo-output-name--

The created --elmo-output-name-- file can now be used for E2E-German.