

Material and Mouse driven theme for AwesomeWM 4.3

Original design by PapyElGringo, I modified it removing sidebar and condensing the bars to a single top panel.

Note: This fork focuses on streamlining the config and adding some Quality of Life touches to the theme.

An almost desktop environment made with AwesomeWM following the Material Design guidelines with a performant opiniated mouse/keyboard workflow to increase daily productivity and comfort.

Click to view in high quality

FullscreenRofi Combo PanelExit screen


1) Get all the dependencies


sudo apt install awesome fonts-roboto rofi compton i3lock xclip qt5-style-plugins materia-gtk-theme lxappearance xbacklight flameshot nautilus xfce4-power-manager pnmixer network-manager-gnome policykit-1-gnome -y
wget -qO- https://git.io/papirus-icon-theme-install | sh


yay -S awesome rofi picom i3lock-fancy xclip ttf-roboto polkit-gnome materia-theme lxappearance flameshot pnmixer network-manager-applet xfce4-power-manager qt5-styleplugins papirus-icon-theme -y

Program list

2) Clone the configuration

Arch-Based Installs

git clone https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/titus-awesome ~/.config/awesome

Debian-Based Installs

git clone --branch debian https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/titus-awesome ~/.config/awesome

3) Set the themes

Start lxappearance to activate the icon theme and GTK theme. Note: for cursor theme, edit ~/.icons/default/index.theme and ~/.config/gtk3-0/settings.ini, for the change to also show up in applications run as root, copy the 2 files over to their respective place in /root.

Recommended Cursors - https://github.com/keeferrourke/capitaine-cursors

Set Rofi Theme

mkdir -p ~/.config/rofi
cp $HOME/.config/awesome/theme/config.rasi ~/.config/rofi/config.rasi
sed -i '/@import/c\@import "'$HOME'/.config/awesome/theme/sidebar.rasi"' ~/.config/rofi/config.rasi

4) Same theme for Qt/KDE applications and GTK applications, and fix missing indicators

First install qt5-style-plugins (debian) | qt5-styleplugins (arch) and add this to the bottom of your /etc/environment


The first variable fixes most indicators (especially electron based ones!), the second tells Qt and KDE applications to use your gtk2 theme set through lxappearance.

5) Read the documentation

The documentation live within the source code.

The project is split in functional directories and in each of them there is a readme where you can get additional information about the them.