

Cross-category Video Highlight Detection via Set-based Learning

<p align="center"> <img src="docs/problem_setting.png" width="600" /> </p>


This project is an implementation of ``Cross-category Video Highlight Detection via Set-based Learning'' in PyTorch, which is accepted by ICCV 2021. We provide the codes for our proposed SL-module, DL-VHD and also some domain adaptation baselines in this repository.

More details of this work can be found in our paper: [Paper (arXiv)].


We develop this project with Python3.6 and following Python packages:

Pytorch                   1.5.0
cv2                       3.4.2
einops                    0.3.0

P.S. In our project, these packages can be successfully installed and work together under CUDA/9.0 and cuDNN/7.0.5.

Dataset and Pre-trained Model

YouTube Highlights dataset. You can download the dataset in this repository and put it under the path you like, e.g. ~/data/YouTube_Highlights/.

For training highlight detection models, you can convert the original videos in YouTube Highlights to video segments by following command:

python ./dataloaders/youtube_highlights_set.py

ActivityNet dataset. Because of the large size of the full dataset, we suggest you to crawl videos using this tool. We provide the names of the videos used in our work in this file. You can put the crawled videos under the path you like, e.g. ~/data/ActivityNet/.

To fit the format of highlight detection, you can convert the raw videos and annotations by following commands:

cd ./data_process
python process_ActivityNet.py

Pre-trained model. You can download the pre-trained C3D model in this link and put it under the path you like, e.g. ~/pretrained_models/.

Category-specific Video Highlight Detection

SL-module. To train and finally evaluate the SL-module, simply run:

python train_SL_module.py --gpu_id $device_id$ --src_category $cls$ \
                          --tgt_category $cls$ --use_transformer

Cross-category Video Highlight Detection

Source-only. To train and finally evaluate the Source-only model with SL-module, simply run:

python train_SL_module.py --gpu_id $device_id$ --src_category $src_cls$ \
                          --tgt_category $tgt_cls$ --use_transformer

Target-oracle. To train and finally evaluate the Target-oracle model with SL-module, simply run:

python train_SL_module.py --gpu_id $device_id$ --src_category $tgt_cls$ \
                          --tgt_category $tgt_cls$ --use_transformer

DA baselines. To train and finally evaluate two domain adaptation baselines (MMD and Deep CORAL), simply run:

python train_da_baselines.py --gpu_id $device_id$ --src_category $src_cls$ \
                             --tgt_category $tgt_cls$ --da_metric $mmd/coral$ \

DL-VHD. To train and finally evaluate the DL-VHD model, simply run:

python train_dual_learner.py --gpu_id $device_id$ --src_category $src_cls$ \
                             --tgt_category $tgt_cls$ --use_transformer


If this work helps your research, you can kindly cite the following paper (will be updated when the ICCV paper is published).

  title={Cross-category Video Highlight Detection via Set-based Learning},
  author={Xu, Minghao and Wang, Hang and Ni, Bingbing and Zhu, Riheng and Sun, Zhenbang and Wang, Changhu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.11770},