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ESLint shareable config for vue to be used with eslint-config-xo


To use with an eslint:

$ npm install --save-dev eslint-config-xo eslint-config-xo-vue eslint-plugin-vue
$ yarn add --dev eslint-config-xo eslint-config-xo-vue eslint-plugin-vue

I recommend using with xo


Add some ESLint config to your package.json:

	"name": "my-awesome-project",
	"eslintConfig": {
		"extends": [

Or to .eslintrc:

	"extends": [

Use the space sub-config if you want 2 space indentation instead of tabs:

	"extends": [

You can also mix it with a XO sub-config:

	"extends": [


When running eslint be sure to add the --ext vue command line param


Use with XO

$ npm install --save-dev xo eslint-config-xo-vue eslint-plugin-vue
$ yarn add --dev xo eslint-config-xo-vue eslint-plugin-vue
	"name": "my-awesome-project",
	"xo": {
		"extends": "xo-vue",
		"extensions": ["js", "vue"]

Known Issues

Hoping you'll report any you find, checkout github issues



See our contributing doc, be sure to checkout the code of conduct

Conventional Commits

This project uses conventional commits to manage versions and releases of the library therefore when making a commit please use yarn commit <COMMIT_PARAMETERS> and this will guide you through writing a conventional commit message which can be understood work with the ci pipeline