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Build Status Documentation



An editor for macOS

Download the latest release on the website.



Project State

The code in this repo should be considered mostly non-functional right now. If you want to use Chime, you can download the currently released version. However, the QuickLook Preview extension exists to help expose real, useful features of this version. You can check that out via releases.

Chime used to be commercial, but is now free. It built up some pretty significant cruft over time. In particular, the core UI application architecture is just in a bad state. It is also quite complex to build. So, I've opted to re-implement that core and pull in parts as appropriate. I'll be putting an emphasis on extracting components into packages as I go. A fitting rebirth, I would say.


It is always a good idea to discuss before taking on a significant task. That said, I have a strong bias towards enthusiasm. If you are excited about doing something, I'll do my best to get out of your way.

The project is internally documented with DocC. The docs contains details about getting started, structure, and internal systems/behaviors. A Matrix server is also available for live help, but GitHub issues/discussions is preferred.

There are a few areas that would make for excellent targets though, if you really feel so inclined.

By participating in this project you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct.


Note: requires Xcode 15 and macOS 14

Why the submodules you ask? Chime embeds many of its extensions inside the application itself for ease of installation. However, because of limitations in how you can influence the linking process with SPM, I cannot figure out how to use SPM and also link against the included ChimeKit.framework.



Significant Issues

Chime is a reasonably complex project. It's bound to run into bugs in Apple frameworks, Xcode, and other systems that present a real problem to its development. This is a list of the most serious issues, which have a major impact on either the user or developer experience.

Other Notable Projects