



Minerva is a browser fuzzer augmented by API mod-ref relations, aiming to synthesize highly-relevant browser API invocations in each test case.

Basic idea: it extracts memory-level mod-ref relations between APIs via dynamic mod-ref analysis and leverages the relations to apply weighted API selection during test case generation.

NOTE: This is just a prototype to reproduce experiments in our research paper. Some features are built as dynamic shared objects and their source code is not published.

NOTE 2: According to our experiments, SaGe (https://github.com/ChijinZ/SaGe-Browser-Fuzzer), another browser fuzzer, has a better performance compared to Minerva. In addition, SaGe is easier to use IMO. Please try it.


We tested Minerva on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04.


First, tell the fuzzer where the mod-ref relations locate:

export MEM_DEP_JSON_PATH=$MINERVA_PATH/mod_ref_helper/mem_dep.json

Then, you can generate html files using Minerva. Minerva is implemented on the top of Domato. Therefore, you can use Minerva in a way similar to Domato.

To see usage information:

python3 generator.py

To generate a single .html sample run:

python generator.py <output file>

To generate multiple samples with a single call run:

python generator.py --output_dir <output directory> --no_of_files <number of output files>


Related paper is accepted by ESEC/FSE'22. (preprint, slides).

.bib info:

	author={Chijin Zhou, Quan Zhang, Mingzhe Wang, Lihua Guo, Jie Liang, Zhe Liu, Mathias Payer, Yu Jiang},
	title={Minerva: Browser API Fuzzing with Dynamic Mod-Ref Analysis},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering},
	series={ESEC/FSE 2022},


We reuse code from Domato for input generation.