

pyCosmicWrap 🌯

A python3 wrapper around Cosmos API/RPC brought to you by ChihuahuaChain


pyCosmicWrap 🌯 makes it easier to develop python applications on the Cosmos Ecosystem. It currently has been tested with ChihuahuaChain and the first stable release will have it production-ready for almost every Cosmos Blockchain


There's a lot more to add, here's our plan, feel free to contribute with code improvements, testing and feel free to push a PR to help us to improve pyCosmicWrap and to make it the default choice for any Cosmos Ecosystem python developer. The next big step will be adding Mospy by ctrl-Felix in order to be able to create and broadcast transactions as well.


You can install this module with python -m pip install pycosmicwrap

API/LCD Queries

Bank Queries

Distribution Queries

Governance Queries

Slashing Queries

Staking Queries

Mint Queries

TX Queries

RPC Queries


Initialize the module and print basic info

from pycosmicwrap import CosmicWrap

# create an object with rest api url, rpc url and denom as arguments
chihuahua = CosmicWrap(lcd='https://api.chihuahua.wtf',

# Once the module is imported and the object is created we can start using
# the object to interact with the blockchain

# Let's define an address
my_address = 'chihuahua1z6rfp8wzsx87pwt3z73gf2a67d6tgmfrrlzy7p'

# Let's create a variable with your balance
my_address_balance = chihuahua.query_balances(my_address)

# or just print it out

# check all of your delegations
my_delegations = chihuahua.query_delegations_by_address(my_address)

# and print them out

# check all of your staking rewards


We don't seek for donations, but you can say Thank You for our work by delegating to our validators and by sharing this project on Twitter


ChihuahuaChain/pyCosmicWrap is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0