


Introduction and data download page of a challenging text-to-SQL dataset: KaggleDBQA.

Data | Evaluation | Paper | Citation | Leaderboard

KaggleDBQA is a challenging cross-domain and complex evaluation dataset of real Web databases, with domain-specific data types, original formatting, and unrestricted questions. It expands upon contemporary cross-domain text-to-SQL datasets in three key aspects: <br /> (1) Its databases are pulled from real-world data sources and not normalized. <br /> (2) Its questions are authored in environments that mimic natural question answering. <br /> (3) It also provides database documentation which contain rich in-domain knowledge. <br />


Data Format

Natural Language questions and corresponding SQL queries

Each file in examples/ contains the following fields:

        "db_id": "StudentMathScore",
        "query": "SELECT T1.school_district FROM FINREV_FED_17 as T1 JOIN FINREV_FED_KEY_17 as T2 ON T1.state_code = T2.state_code WHERE T2.state = \"Wisconsin\" ORDER BY T1.t_fed_rev DESC LIMIT 1",
        "query_toks": ["SELECT", "T1.school_district", "FROM", "FINREV_FED_17", ...],
        "question": "Which school district receive the most of federal revenue through state in Wisconsin?",
        "question_toks": ["Which", "school", "district", ...],
        "sql": {
            "from": {
                "table_units": [


KaggleDBQA_tables.json contains the following information for each database:

        "column_descriptions": [
            "Total federal revenue through the state to each school district.",
            "Federal revenue through the state- Title 1 (no child left behind act).",
            "Federal revenue through the state- Child Nutrition A",
        "column_names": [
                "t fed rev"
        "column_names_normalized": [
                "total federal revenue"
                "child 14"
                "child 25"
        "column_names_original": [
        "column_types": [
        "db_id": "StudentMathScore",
        "foreign_keys": [],
        "primary_keys": [],
        "table_names": [
            "finrev fed 17",
            "ndecoreexcel math grade8",
            "finrev fed key 17"
        "table_names_original": [

Database Content

All the database content stored in SQLite database file under databases/. Please download the databases here.


KaggleDBQA is primarily used as a testing suite for realistic semantic parsing of text-to-SQL. We introduce two evaluation settings here (1) Plain-Testing (2) Few-Shot Annotation/Finetuning. We randomly split examples in each database into two subsets(30/70 ratio): finetune and test.

(1) Plain-Testing

Use the files examples/*_test to evaluate parsers.

(2) Few-Shot Annotation/Finetuning

You can use the in-domain examples contained in examples/*_fewshot to improve your model (e.g., by fine-tuning or other few-shot training methods) before testing on the examples in examples/*_test.

Citation and Contact

If you use the dataset in your work, please cite our paper.

    title = "{KaggleDBQA}: Realistic Evaluation of Text-to-{SQL} Parsers",
    author = "Lee, Chia-Hsuan  and
      Polozov, Oleksandr  and
      Richardson, Matthew",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = aug,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2021.acl-long.176",
    pages = "2261--2273"

Please contact Chia-Hsuan Lee (chiahlee[at]uw.edu) for questions and suggestions.