

VGPhraseCut Dataset API

<table width="100%"> <tr>Examples from the dataset:</tr> <tr> <td><img src="figures/gt.png", alt="examples" width="800"></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%"> <tr>Concepts included in the dataset:</tr> <tr> <td> Category names</td> <td> Attributes</td> <td> Relationship predicates</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="figures/names200.png", alt="names" width="250"></td> <td><img src="figures/atts.png", alt="atts" width="250"></td> <td><img src="figures/rels.png", alt="rels" width="250"></td> </tr> </table>


VGPhraseCut Dataset is aimed at the problem of segmenting anything on an image based on a regional description phrase.

The dataset is collected based on Visual Genome. It contains 345,486 phrase-region pairs. Each phrase contains explicit annotations of which words describe the category name, attributes, and relationships with other things in the image respectively. The corresponding region described by the phrase is a binary segmentation mask on the image.

Our dataset roughly covers 70% of the images in Visual Genome. We split the dataset into train, validation and test. For the convenience of debugging, we have a subset of validation called 'miniv' with only 100 images. (Note that the files for the 'validation' split don't contain data of the 100 'miniv' images. Specify split=val_miniv if you want to use the whole validation set.)


More dataset statistics and data collection pipeline details can be found in the paper.

Quick Start

TL;DR version to try out the miniv split of our dataset.

# [optional]: create conda environment
conda create -n phrasecut_env python=3.7
conda activate phrasecut_env

# install dependencies. Python3 required
pip install matplotlib==3.1.1 numpy==1.17.4 pillow==6.1.0 requests==2.22.0 gdown==3.9.0

# clone our repo
git clone https://github.com/ChenyunWu/PhraseCutDataset.git
cd PhraseCutDataset

# download the miniv split
python download_dataset.py -s miniv

# evaluate a random guess baseline on miniv
python evaluate.py -n box_rand

# visualize the result
python visualize.py -p output/baselines/box_rand/miniv/predictions/

Prediction results will be saved as PNG images in output/baselines/box_rand/miniv/predictions/

Visualizations are organized in output/baselines/box_rand/miniv/htmls/all.html

You can also play around dataset_demo.ipynb to view more data examples.




We recommend creating a new conda environment for this project. Conda can be installed through this link.

conda create -n phrasecut_env python=3.7
conda activate phrasecut_env

You can install the remaining requirements with 'pip' (or 'conda'):

pip install matplotlib==3.1.1 numpy==1.17.4 pillow==6.1.0 requests==2.22.0 gdown==3.9.0

Download the dataset

We suggest you clone this repository to folder PhraseCutDataset:

git clone https://github.com/ChenyunWu/PhraseCutDataset.git

And download all the dataset files into PhraseCutDataset/data/VGPhraseCut_v0/ (as default).

If you prefer to put the dataset elsewhere, simply change the 'dataset_dir' in utils/file_paths.py


We provide download_dataset.py for downloading the whole dataset. Using the argument --split (or -s), you can specify which split(s) you want to download. We also provide the following argment settings to specify what annotations you want to download:

Below are some examples of using the downloader.

# To download only the 'miniv' split: 
python download_dataset.py -s miniv

# To download only the 'val' and 'test' splits: 
python download_dataset.py -s val_test

# To download the whole dataset: 
# (downloading all the images requires ~11G disk space and may take a long time)
python download_dataset.py

# To download the whole dataset except the images:
python download_dataset.py --download_img 0

# To download the whole dataset together with Visual Genome scene graph annotations, 
# and phrases skipped by annotators during our dataset collection:
python download_dataset.py --download_graph 1 --download_skip 1

Explore the dataset

dataset_demo.ipynb shows the usage of our data loader and displays example annotations in our dataset.


Given predicted regions of each referring phrase , we report:

  1. mean/cumulative mask IoU (Intersect over Union of predicted binary mask against ground-truth mask).
  2. mask accuracy: percentage of predictions where the mask IoU is above a threshold (Thresholds: 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)

The statistics can be reported on each subset separately. See utils/subset.py for supported subsets.

python evaluate.py --split=val --pred_path=path/to/your/prediction/folder --pred_name=your_method_name 

Make sure to set "split" to the actual split you are predicting. The optional "pred_name" is only used to log results to summary files for the convenience of comparing different methods (in 'output/eval_refvg' by default).

The evalation results will be printed in the console, and saved to a "results.txt" file in the parent directory of your "pred_path".

Additional option:

Saving all perdition results can consume a lot of time and space. If your predictor is implemented in Python, you can use our 'Evaluator' class. It updates the evaluation after predicting on each image, so that predictions on previous images do not need to be saved.

First initialize an evaluator, then enumerate over images and call evaluator.eval_single_img(...) after predicting on all referring phrases of each image, finally call evaluator.analyze_stats(...) to get the evaluation results. See the 'evaluate_from_pred_folder' function in evaluate.py as an example.


We provide a tool to visualize prediction results in html files, align with ground-truth and (optionally) other baselines.

python visualize.py -p path/to/your/prediction/folder

The visualizations will be created in the parent directory.

Similar as the 'Evaluator', we also provide a 'Visualizer' to generate visualizations after predicting on each task, avoiding saving all the prediction results.

Additional utilities

Annotation data structure

All VGPhraseCut annotation files are shared through this Google Drive link.


Referring data:

They are separate files for the different splits. refer_xxx.json files contain all available annotations, while refer_input_xxx.json files only keep information valid to use as the input to the task, with ground-truth and additional labels removed. Each file contains a list of tasks. Each task stands for a phrase-region pair, organized as a 'dict' with the following keys:

refer_input_xxx.json contains: task_id, image_id, phrase, phrase_structure (name, attributes, relation_descriptions).

(Optional) Visual Genome scene graph data:

Only needed if you want to use associated Visual Genome scene graph annotations together with our dataset. They are the same as the scene graphs from Visual Genome v1.2, with only annotations on images in our dataset.

(Optional) Skipped data:

Only needed if you are interested in the phrases skipped by the annotators during data collection. We provide 'task_id', 'image_id', 'ann_ids', 'phrase', 'phrase_structure', and also 'reason': the reason why it is skipped, where the annotator got to choose from "Wrong Description", "Not in Image", "Ambiguous Region", "Difficult to Select" and "Other".