

CADyQ : Content-Aware Dynamic Quantization for Image Super Resolution

This respository is the official implementation of our ECCV2022 paper.

<!-- [paper](). -->

The framework of our paper.

<!-- (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cheeun/CADyQ/visualization/method-overview.png) -->

The overview of the proposed quantization framework CADyQ for SR network, which we illustrate with a residual block based backbone. For each given patch and each layer, our CADyQ module introduces a light-weight bit selector that dynamically selects the bit-width and its corresponding quantization function $Q_{b^{k}}$ among the candidate quantization functions with distinct bit-widths. The bit selector is conditioned on the estimated quantization sensitivity (the average gradient magnitude ${|\nabla{}|}$ of the given patch and the standard deviation ${\sigma}$ of the layer feature). Qconv denotes the convolution layer of the quantized features and weights.

Our implementation is based on EDSR(PyTorch) and PAMS(PyTorch).

Conda Environment setting

conda env create -f environment.yml --name CADyQ
conda activate CADyQ



  # for training

  # for testing

How to train CADyQ

sh train_carn_cadyq.sh
sh train_idn_cadyq.sh
sh train_edsrbaseline_cadyq.sh
sh train_srresnet_cadyq.sh

Model weights for stduent and teacher model to start training from can be accessed from Google Drive.

How to test CADyQ

sh test_cadyq_patch.sh # for patch-wise inference
sh test_cadyq_image.sh # for image-wise inference
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 main.py \
--test_only --cadyq --search_space 4+6+8 --scale 4 --k_bits 8 \
--model CARN --n_feats 64 --n_resblocks 9 --group 1 --multi_scale \
--student_weights dir/for/our/pretrained_model \
--data_test Urban100 --dir_data dir/for/datasets \


If you found our implementation useful, please consider citing our paper:

  title={CADyQ: Content-Aware Dynamic Quantization for Image Super-Resolution},
  author={Hong, Cheeun and Baik, Sungyong and Kim, Heewon and Nah, Seungjun and Lee, Kyoung Mu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.10345},


Email : cheeun914@snu.ac.kr