


<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChaseRoth/LilWidgets/main/Resources/Branding/lilwidgets_logo_noborder.png" alt="Lil Widgets Icon" width="50%"/> </p> <br/><br/><br/>

LilWidgets nuget

LilWidgets is an early staged Xamarin.Forms library that provides customizable controls (widgets).

The Plan

The plan for LilWidgets is to empower Xamarin.Forms developers by providing unique custom controls that otherwise would take away from the core app development. This repository will always be open source and under the MIT license. Therefore, future releases and updates will be fully available.

Available Widgets

Coming Soon:

Supported Platforms


Most Recent Addition - Loading Widget

The Loading Widget is designed to show an infinite loading cycle. This can be used when your app is making a web request and its unknown how long it will take for the targeted resources to return and be populated into the user interface.

Loading Widget Example PageLoading Widget Test Page
Progress Widget Example PageProgress Widget Testing Page

How to Implement

A simple example of implementing the Loading Widget into your xaml is as follows:

<lilWidget:LoadingWidget VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand"                        

Here we are providing a ArcLength value of 180° which will make our arc's length be half of a circle.

A more customized implementation would look as follows:

 <lilWidget:LoadingWidget VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand"

Find out more on the <a href="https://github.com/ChaseRoth/LilWidgets/wiki/Loading-Widget">Loading Widget</a> wiki page.