🏆 Awesome-Lane-Detection
<p align="left"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Awesome"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="GitHub"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="CV-Action"></a> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="image/lane-detection-demo.gif" alt="demo-image" > <br>Lane Detection Demo </p>Content 🎯
Paper 📑
LaneNet: Real-Time LaneDtection Networks for Autonomous Driving 📑paper <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
SAD: Learning Lightweight Lane Detection CNNs by Self Atrention Distillation 📑paper<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
PiNet: Key Points Estimation and Point Instance Segmentation Approach for Lane Detection 📑paper <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
End-to-end Lane Shape Prediction with Transformers CVPR 2020 📂 Datasets <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
CurveLane-NAS: Unifying Lane-Sensitive Architecture Search and Adaptive Point Blending ECCV 2020 📂 Datasets
Towards Lightweight Lane Detection by Optimizing Spatial Embedding ECCV 2020 Workshop
Structure-Aware Network for Lane Marker Extraction with Dynamic Vision Sensor
Lane Detection Model Based on Spatio-Temporal Network with Double ConvGRUs <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
E2E-LMD: End-to-End Lane Marker Detection via Row-wise Classification
Ultra Fast Structure-aware Deep Lane Detection <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a> ECCV 2020
PolyLaneNet: Lane Estimation via Deep Polynomial Regression <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
Inter-Region Affinity Distillation for Road Marking Segmentation <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a> CVPR 2020
Gen-LaneNet: A Generalized and Scalable Approach for 3D Lane Detection <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a> 📂 Datasets ECCV 2020
Detecting Lane and Road Markings at A Distance with Perspective Transformer Layers
FusionLane: Multi-Sensor Fusion for Lane Marking Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
PINet:Key Points Estimation and Point Instance Segmentation Approach for Lane Detection <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
Better-CycleGAN + ERFNet: Lane Detection in Low-light Conditions Using an Efficient Data Enhancement : Light Conditions Style Transfer submitted to IV 2020
Multi-lane Detection Using Instance Segmentation and Attentive Voting ICCAS 2019
Dynamic Approach for Lane Detection using Google Street View and CNN IEEE TENCON 2019
Learning Lightweight Lane Detection CNNs by Self Attention Distillation <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a> ICCV 2019
Multi-Class Lane Semantic Segmentation using Efficient Convolutional Networks MMSP 2019
Lane Detection and Classification using Cascaded CNNs Eurocast 2019
Driver Behavior Analysis Using Lane Departure Detection Under Challenging Conditions
FastDraw: Addressing the Long Tail of Lane Detection by Adapting a Sequential Prediction Network CVPR 2019
Agnostic Lane Detection <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
Deep Multi-Sensor Lane Detection IROS2018
Enhanced free space detection in multiple lanes based on single CNN with scene identification IV2019 <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
Robust Lane Detection from Continuous Driving Scenes Using Deep Neural Networks <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
End-to-end Lane Detection through Differentiable Least-Squares Fitting <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
End to End Video Segmentation for Driving : Lane Detection For Autonomous Car
Efficient Road Lane Marking Detection with Deep Learning DSP 2018
Multiple Lane Detection Algorithm Based on Optimised Dense Disparity Map Estimation IST 2018
LineNet: a Zoomable CNN for Crowdsourced High Definition Maps Modeling in Urban Environments
LaneNet: Real-Time Lane Detection Networks for Autonomous Driving
EL-GAN: Embedding Loss Driven Generative Adversarial Networks for Lane Detection
Real-time Lane Marker Detection Using Template Matching with RGB-D Camera
Towards End-to-End Lane Detection: an Instance Segmentation Approach paper study <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a>
Lane Detection and Classification for Forward Collision Warning System Based on Stereo Vision
(SCNN)Spatial As Deep: Spatial CNN for Traffic Scene Understanding AAAI 2018 CSDN Translator
Lane Detection Based on Inverse Perspective Transformation and Kalman Filter
A review of recent advances in lane detection and departure warning system
Deep Learning Lane Marker Segmentation From Automatically Generated Labels Youtube
VPGNet: Vanishing Point Guided Network for Lane and Road Marking Detection and Recognition <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Github" width="22px"/> GitHub</a> ICCV 2017
Code 💻
Lane Detection(Paper with Code) Detection with Deep Learning
Blog/Tutorial ✏️
Lane Detection with Deep Learning (Part 1)
Simple Lane Detection with OpenCV
Finding Lane Lines — Simple Pipeline For Lane Detection
Building a lane detection system using Python 3 and OpenCV
Tutorial: Build a lane detector
ECCV2020 | 300+FPS!浙大提出一种超快速车道线检测方法
ECCV2020 | Gen-LaneNet:百度Apollo提出两阶段的3D车道线检测算法,已开源
【Papers】Lane-Detection 近期车道线检测论文阅读总结
<h4>车道线检测</h4> <b>End-to-end Lane Shape Prediction with Transformers</b> <p>使用 Transformer 捕获道路中细长车道线特征和全局特征,所发明的车道线检测算法与以往相比,可端到端训练、参数量更少、速度更快(高达 420 fps,单 1080Ti)。</p> <p> - 作者 | Ruijin Liu, Zejian Yuan, Tie Liu, Zhiliang Xiong<br> - 单位 | 西安交通大学;首都师范大学等<br> - 论文 | <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> - 代码 | <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> - 详解 | <a href="" target="_blank">Transformer 又立功了!又快(420 fps)又好的车道线检测算法</a> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="" data-caption="" data-size="normal" class="content_image"/> </p>Datasets 📂
- TuSimple
- CULane
- BDD100K
- Caltech
- VPGNet
- 3D Lane Synthetic Dataset
- Jiqing Expressway
- A Dataset for Lane Instance Segmentation in Urban Environments
- The Lane Marker Dataset
- CurveLanes
- HD Maps
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title={Awesome-Lane-Detection: Some Works of Lane Detection},
journal={GitHub repository},
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