

Amodal Ground Truth and Completion in the Wild

This is the official implementation of CVPR 2024 paper "Amodal Ground Truth and Completion in the Wild" by <a href="https://championchess.github.io/" target="_blank">Guanqi Zhan</a>, <a href="https://chuanxiaz.com/" target="_blank">Chuanxia Zheng</a>, <a href="https://weidixie.github.io/" target="_blank">Weidi Xie</a>, and <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UZ5wscMAAAAJ&hl=en" target="_blank">Andrew Zisserman</a>


Occlusion is very common, yet still a challenge for computer vision systems. This work introduces an automatic pipeline to obtain authentic amodal ground truth for real images and a new large-scale real image amodal benchmark with authentic amodal ground truth and covering a variety of categories. Additionally, two novel architectures, OccAmodal and SDAmodal, are proposed to handle the situations where the occluder mask is not annotated, and achieve the class-agnostic domain generalization, moving the reconstruction of occluded objects towards an ‘in the wild’ capability.


pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install ipdb

Data Preparation

  1. Download COCO2014 train and val images from here and unzip.

  2. Download COCOA annotations from here and untar.

  3. Ensure the COCOA folder looks like:

      |-- train2014/
      |-- val2014/
      |-- test2014/
      |-- annotations/
        |-- COCO_amodal_train2014.json
        |-- COCO_amodal_val2014.json
        |-- COCO_amodal_test2014.json
        |-- ...

MP3D-Amodal Benchmark

Evaluation dataset: mp3d_eval.zip

Training dataset: mp3d_train.zip

Annotations: annotations (same with COCOA)


Checkpoint for SDAmodal

Extract Stable Diffusion Feature

Clone the github https://github.com/Tsingularity/dift/tree/main, and put the files under dift/ of this github. Use dift/dift_sd.py in this github to replace src/models/dift_sd.py. Then fill in the paths and

python dift/extract_dift_amodal.py

Amodal Completion

sh tools/test_SDAmodal.sh


@Championchess guanqi@robots.ox.ac.uk


  title={Amodal Ground Truth and Completion in the Wild},
  author={Zhan, Guanqi and Zheng, Chuanxia and Xie, Weidi and Zisserman, Andrew},