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You can access the full docs at docs.gaming.chainsafe.io.

Our codebase is quite easy to use. To immediately start with reading from the blockchain, once you've installed our core package,you can simply drag and drop our Web3Unity prefab to the scene and do the following

async void Awake()
    await Web3Unity.Instance.Initialize(false);
    var balance = await Web3Unity.Web3.Erc20.GetBalanceOf(contractAddress, accountAddress);   

Additional prefab scripts can be found here docs.gaming.chainsafe.io/current/sample-scripts.



Building the code

ChainSafe Security Policy

Reporting a Security Bug

We take all security issues seriously, if you believe you have found a security issue within a ChainSafe project please notify us immediately. If an issue is confirmed, we will take all necessary precautions to ensure a statement and patch release is made in a timely manner.

Please email us a description of the flaw and any related information (e.g. reproduction steps, version) to security at chainsafe dot io.