


Maintainability Test Coverage Codeship Status for ChaelCodes/HuntersKeepers Inline docs Contributor Covenant

This is a Rails App that facilitates Monster of the Week Mysteries. Monster of the Week is a role-playing game focused on supernatural horror. This project is WIP. Our first goal is tracking player character sheets. Eventually, we'd like to track mystery details and harm in a mystery session. We're currently hosting it on Heroku if you want to check it out.

We're building this app to practice and hone our development skills. One goal of this application is to implement a state of the art, free development environment to work in, and see what codebase results from that. Contributions (of all sorts) are welcome!

This app is live-coded every Sunday at 9am EST over at https://twitch.tv/ChaelCodes


RailsWeb app FrameworkNot just an API!
WebpackerWebpack Integration in RailsUsed to Build Vue
YarnJS Package Management-
VueFront-end frameworkAdd some reactivity
BuefyUI Component LibraryBased on Bulma
RDocDocumentation toolView at rubydoc.info
InchTracks Documentation CoverageInline docs
Code ClimateCode Quality SolutionMaintainability
CodeShipContinuous TestingCodeship Status for ChaelCodes/HuntersKeepers
HerokuHostingVisit the App
DockerDevelopment Environment-