

Multi-view drone tracking datasets

UPDATE!!! - Manual labels of drone locations in all datasets complete! Enjoy!

This repository contains datasets where a flying drone (hexacopter) is captured with multiple consumer-grade cameras (smartphones, compact cameras, gopro,...) with highly accurate 3D drone trajectory ground truth recorderd by a precise real-time RTK system from Fixposition. In some datasets, the ground truth temporal synchronization and ground truth camera locations are also provided. The table below gives a brief summary of what kind of data is available for each dataset.

Dataset3D trajectorySynchronizationCamera locations2D labels3D orientation

We provide calibration parameters as well as calibration images for each camera.

If you use this dataset in your research, please cite our paper in which we estimate 3D trajectories from multiple unsynchronized cameras.

The pipeline we developed can be found here .


The videos have been split into multiple archives using zip. To extract, use 7z or other zip archive manager or run the provided script ./unpack.sh from the repository root directory which will extract all videos for you, provided that you have the latest 7z installed.

Dataset 1

Easy dataset with short and slow flight.

# of camerasFlight duration
4~ 2min
<p align="left"> <img src="dataset1/cam0.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 0 trajectory"> <img src="dataset1/cam1.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 1 trajectory"> <img src="dataset1/cam2.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 2 trajectory"> <img src="dataset1/cam3.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 3 trajectory"> </p>

Dataset 2

Easy dataset with longer and faster flight.

# of camerasFlight duration
4~ 2.5min
<p align="left"> <img src="dataset2/cam0.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 0 trajectory"> <img src="dataset2/cam1.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 1 trajectory"> <img src="dataset2/cam2.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 2 trajectory"> <img src="dataset2/cam3.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 3 trajectory"> </p>

Dataset 3

Medium difficulty dataset with more cameras, long flight, various velocities and motion types.

# of camerasFlight duration
6~ 9min
<p align="left"> <img src="dataset3/cam0.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 0 trajectory"> <img src="dataset3/cam1.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 1 trajectory"> <img src="dataset3/cam2.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 2 trajectory"> <img src="dataset3/cam3.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 3 trajectory"> <img src="dataset3/cam4.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 4 trajectory"> <img src="dataset3/cam5.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 5 trajectory"> </p>

Dataset 4

High difficulty dataset with many cameras, fast motion and moving clouds making the detection harder.

# of camerasFlight duration
7~ 7min
<p align="left"> <img src="dataset4/cam0.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 0 trajectory"> <img src="dataset4/cam1.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 1 trajectory"> <img src="dataset4/cam2.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 2 trajectory"> <img src="dataset4/cam3.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 3 trajectory"> <img src="dataset4/cam4.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 4 trajectory"> <img src="dataset4/cam5.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 5 trajectory"> <img src="dataset4/cam6.jpg" width="200" alt="Camera 6 trajectory"> </p>

Dataset 5

A new challenging winter dataset with 6 cameras, snow covered background and multiple drones. The ground truth drone trajectory is estimated by fusing total station tracking and onboard IMU data.

# of cameras# of dronesFlight duration
63~ 10min
<p align="left"> <img src="./dataset5/assets/dataset_overview.jpg" width="800" alt="Dataset 5 Overview"> </p>

Please check here for the principle and toolkits used for collecting and processing dataset 5.


The work was conducted in the group of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ETH Zurich.


Special thanks to