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Install & Run


You need to install Elixir. We recommand using asdf-vm. Check their documentation on how to install it, then run asdf install from root captain-fact-api folder.

Start DB

Create / launch a PostgreSQL instance on your local machine. If you have Docker installed, you can use the pre-Seed PostgreSQL Docker image:

docker run -d --name cf_dev_db -p 5432:5432 captainfact/dev-db:latest

Start API

Following services will be started:

You can also see all e-mail sent, by going to http://localhost:4000/\_dev/mail

Other useful commands

Project architecture

This application is organized as an umbrella project which allows us to divide CaptainFact API into small apps.

├── apps
│   ├── cf => Core functions as a library. **Not deployed**
│   ├── cf_atom_feed => Atom feed.
│   ├── cf_graphql => GraphQL API (public).
│   ├── cf_jobs => Jobs.
│   ├── cf_rest_api => REST/WS API (private).
│   └── db => DB repository and schemas **Not deployed**
│       ├── lib
│       │   ├── db
│       │   ├── db_schema => Contains all the schemas (Video, Speaker, Comment…etc)
│       │   ├── db_type => Special types (SpeakerPicture…etc.)
│       │   └── db_utils => Some utility functions
│       └── priv
│           └── repo/migrations => All DB migrations files
├── README.md => You're reading it right now. Are you?
├── rel => Release configs & tools
│   ├── commands => Commands that will be available to run on the release (seed DB…etc.)
│   ├── hooks => Some hooks for automatically run commands when release run.
│   ├── runtime_config => Runtime configurations for all apps.
│   └── config.exs => Release configuration.

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