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Wren Engine is the semantic engine for LLMs, the backbone of the Wren AI project.

<img src="./misc/wren_engine_flow.png">

Useful links

🎯 Our Mission

The Wren engine aims to be compatible with composable data systems. It follows two important traits: Embeddable and interoperability. With these two designs in mind, you can reuse the semantic context across your AI agents through our APIs and connect freely with your on-premise and cloud data sources, which nicely fit into your existing data stack.

<img src="./misc/wrenai_vision.png">

🤩 About our Vision - The new wave of Composable Data Systems and the Interface to LLM agents

🤔 Concepts

🚧 Project Status

Wren Engine is currently in the alpha version. The project team is actively working on progress and aiming to release new versions at least biweekly.

⭐️ Community

🚀 Get Started

Check out our latest documentation to get a Quick start.

🙌 How to build?

Normal Build

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Build an executable jar

mvn clean package -DskipTests -P exec-jar