

<p align="center"> <img width="500" alt="Spector" src="src/public/assets/images/brand.png"> </p>

Open source alternative to monitor, debug and improve your Lambda Functions.

Spector will make use of AWS APIs to fetch data from your AWS account and produce actionable metrics and detailed data without the need of editing any code!

You will need to provide Spector with read access to your AWS account to collect the data.

What will it do?


This will be provided as a customizable docker image for you to host, or run locally. No data will be sent to any remote servers for any reasons, to uphold maximum security.

What about overhead?

Spector will get all of the information from logs when they reach AWS CloudWatch, meaning that the service will have no effect on the code execution itself.




Developer Notes

Dev environment is set up in a way to watch over your files, copy it to the container, compile it and run it. Simply run docker-compose up to start the container. Additionally you may pass -d flag to start in detached mode. Read more here.

Any change you make to your local file will be reflected to the container immediately. Currently the changes to package.json is not reflected without rebuilding the image. This will be fixed in the upcoming commits soon.

Rebuilding the images

After adding new npm packages, you will have to rebuild your images as follows:

Add new npm packages directly:

docker-compose run app npm install <package-name> --save
