


This is a web server library inspired by expressJS written for node. It supports routers, query parameters and url parameters. The library is desired to use with deno.

Deno Train Logo



Run this example on port 3000 with deno run --allow-net= https://deno.land/x/denotrain@v0.5.4/example/routers/example.ts.

Try the following routes:

More examples are in this repository under /examples.

import { Application, Router } from "https://deno.land/x/denotrain@v0.5.4/mod.ts";

// Create a new application (port defaults to 3000, hostname to
const app = new Application();
// Optional: Generate router and hook routes to it
const router = new Router();

// Middleware 
app.use((ctx) => {
  // Add data to the response object and return undefined
  // -> Still passed to other handlers

  // Add cookies to the deno train cookie handler
  ctx.cookies["user.session"] = "qwertz";
  ctx.cookies["a"] = "123";
  ctx.cookies["b"] = "456";
  delete ctx.cookies["user.session"];

// this will only listen on GET requests
router.get("/", (ctx) => {
  // Returning a string, JSON, Reader or Uint8Array automatically sets
  // Content-Type header and no further router will match
  return new Promise((resolve) => resolve("This is the admin interface!")); 
router.get("/edit", async (ctx) => {
  return "This is an edit mode!"; 

app.get("/", (ctx) => {
  // Returning a json
  return {"hello": "world"};

// Hook up the router on "/admin". The routes are now
// available on "/admin" and "/admin/edit"
app.use("/admin", router);

app.get("/:id", (ctx) => {
  // Use url parameters
  return "Hello World with ID: " + ctx.req.params.id

// Make a post request; try it with sending json or url-form-encoded
// and a corresponding Content-Type header
app.post("/formtest", async (ctx) => {
  return ctx.req.body;

// Run the application on the specified port
await app.run();

App Parameters

The constructor of Application accepts an object with options. All options are optional, and defaults are set for many values.


View documentation on the official documentation website.