

Python Application for a Webex Teams Integration

Python Sampler

Splash Page

A simple plash page with a 'Sign In' button that triggers the Oauth process if no token is stored in the session. Splash Page


Login via Webex Teams Login Page

Display Target Page

Render a target page (in this case /hello) in which you have the token data in the session. This page utilizes the Python Webex Teams API to get the user's display name and render that to the page. Target/Hello Page

Use the Demo

Heroku Hosted Demo that utilized the gmail org. Email addresses that do not end in @gmail.com will not result in a successful login.

Quick Deploy

  1. Create a Webex Teams Integration: the redirect url will be <code>https://<your_heroku_app_name>.herokuapp.com/callback</code>. Don't navigate away, you'll need some details to deploy to heroku.
  2. Deploy