


CircleCI Build status Downloads DOI [BibTeX] cite as:

Nikolaus Hansen, Youhei Akimoto, and Petr Baudis. CMA-ES/pycma on Github. Zenodo, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2559634, February 2019.

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pycma is a Python implementation of CMA-ES and a few related numerical optimization tools.

The Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) is a stochastic derivative-free numerical optimization algorithm for difficult (non-convex, ill-conditioned, multi-modal, rugged, noisy) optimization problems in continuous search spaces.

Useful links:

Installation of the (almost) latest release


python -m pip install cma

in a system shell to install the latest release from the Python Package Index (PyPI) (which may be behind the lastest release tag on Github). The release link also provides more installation hints and a quick start guide.

conda install --channel cma-es cma

installs from the conda cloud channel cma-es.

Installation of the current master branch

The quick way (requires git to be installed):

pip install git+https://github.com/CMA-ES/pycma.git@master

The long version: download and unzip the code (see green button above) or git clone https://github.com/CMA-ES/pycma.git and

It may be necessary to replace pip with python -m pip and/or prefixing either of these with sudo.

Version History