

Hoa Library (A high order ambisonics library) for <a title="Faust " href="http://faust.grame.fr/" target="_blank">Faust </a>

Version :

Hoa.lib 1.1 for Faust (<a title="Download" href="http://www.mshparisnord.fr/hoalibrary/en/downloads/" target="_blank">Download</a>). The hoa.lib file contains the high order ambisonics functions in FAUST. This file should already be included in the last FAUST distribution. You just need to include hoa.lib before coding to use it.

Image Faust

Authors :

Julien Colafrancesco, Pierre Guillot, Eliott Paris

Licence :

The hoa.library in under the <a title="GNU" href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html" target="_blank">GNU Public License</a>. If you'd like to avoid the restrictions of the GPL and use Hoa Library for a closed-source product, you contact the <a title="CICM" href="http://cicm.mshparisnord.org/" target="_blank">CICM</a>.

Functions :