

TemporalWiki Datasets

Figure 1

This is an overview of this github repository.

You have to download Wikipedia dumps first. And then you can work on Section 1. Wikipedia and Section 2. Wikidata at the same time. But you have to get both Section done to do Section 3. Alignment.

0. Setting

conda create -n twiki python=3.9 
conda activate twiki
pip install -r requirements.txt

0-1. Wikipedia Dump Download

Please download Wikipedia Dump File in XML format (About 18 GB). You have to download for both time step (old_time_step, new_time_step). e.g. https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/20211001/enwiki-20211001-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2

Execute the command.

cd Wikipedia_datasets
wget <Dump File Link>

It will take about less than 2 hours to download the file.

Execute command.

python -m wikiextractor.WikiExtractor <Wikipedia dump file> --json

This extracting process takes about 6 hours.

After that, "text" file will be generated. Please change this name to 'year + month + date', e.g. 20210801

cd Wikipedia_datasets
mv text <time_step>

or You can use scripts for wikipedia dump

Please type following command in terminal.

bash wikipedia_dump.sh <time_step>

0-2. Wikidata Dump Download

Please choose Wikidata Dump File in XML format (About 120 GB). You have to download for both time step (old_time_step, new_time_step). e.g. https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/20211001/wikidatawiki-20211001-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2

cd Wikidata_datasets 
wget <Dump File Link>

It will take about 7-8 hours to download the file.

python -m gensim.scripts.segment_wiki -i -f <Wikidata Dump file> -o <Transformed file>

<'Transformed file'> : 'wikidata-{year+month+date}.json.gz' e.g. wikidata-20210801.json.gz

It will take 2 days.

or You can use scripts for wikidata dump.

Please type following command in terminal.

bash wikidata_dump.sh <time_step>

1. Wikipedia

There are two types of generation at the end. One is GPT-2 training datasets, and the other is Wikipedia subsets which will be used in Section 3. Alignment.

python wikipedia_datasets.py --mode subset --old <previous_month> --new <new_month>

Generate datasets for only subsets

mode : subset (generate datasets for only subsets)
old : year + month + date, e.g. 20210801
new : year + month + date, e.g. 20210901


python wikipedia_datasets.py --mode entire --tenth_digit <0-16> --month <month>

Generate datasets for entire datasets

mode : entire (generate datasets for entire datasets)
tenth_digit : One number between 0-16 (There are 16 sets of Wikipedia bundle)
month : year + month + date, e.g. 20210801

We suggest you to use bash file for mode entire. You can easily modify example bash script file wikipedia_gpt2_data.sh and type command below in terminal.

bash wikipedia_gpt2_data.sh

If you want to use bash file for mode subset. You can easily use bash script file script file wikipedia_gpt2_data_sub.sh and type command below in terminal.

bash wikipedia_gpt2_data_sub.sh <old_time_step> <new_time_step>

2. Wikidata

Section 2 preprocess Wikidata from extracting entity id from Wikidata Dump to mapping id to corresponding string item.

python wikidata_datasets.py --mode <mode> --old <previous_month> --new <new_month> --idx <0-100> --combine <0 or 1>

mode : unchanged / changed
old : year + month + date, e.g. 20210801
new : year + month + date, e.g. 20210901
idx : One number between 0-100 (Preprocessing is held in every million entities of Wikidata)
combine : 0 (Not combining created sets by idx) / 1 (Combine all the sets to one json file)

We suggest you to use bash file for this part. You can easily modify example bash script file wikidata_datasets.sh and type command below in terminal.

bash wikidata_datasets.sh <old_time_step> <new_time_step>

The whole process will take less than a day (The mapping process takes a lots of time).

3-0. Wikipedia Wikidata mapping

If you want to do Unchanged mode only, please skip this part.

Please type following command in terminal.

bash wikipedia_wikidata_crawling.sh

3. Aligning

Section 3 aligned subsets file from Section 1 and Wikidata item file from Section 2 by mapping Wikipedia page-id and Wikidata entity id.

python evaluation_datasets.py --mode <mode> --old <previous_month> --new <new_month>

mode : unchanged / changed
old : year + month + date, e.g. 20210801
new : year + month + date, e.g. 20210901