

SiW-Mv2 Dataset and Multi-domain FAS

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/CHELSEA234/Multi-domain-learning-FAS/blob/main/source_SiW_Mv2/figures/dataset_gallery.png" alt="drawing" width="1000"/> </p>

This project page contains Spoof in Wild with Multiple Attacks Version 2 (SiW-Mv2) dataset and the official implementation of our ECCV2022 oral paper "Multi-domain Learning for Updating Face Anti-spoofing Models". [Arxiv] [SiW-Mv2 Dataset]

Authors: Xiao Guo, Yaojie Liu, Anil Jain, Xiaoming Liu

👏 Our algorithm has been officially accepted and delivered to the IAPRA ODIN program!

🔥🔥Check out our quick demo:

<p float="left"> <img src="source_SiW_Mv2/figures/demo_1.gif" width="300" height="200"/> <img src="source_SiW_Mv2/figures/demo_2.gif" width="300" height="200"/> </p> <p float="left"> <img src="source_SiW_Mv2/figures/demo_3.gif" width="300" height="200"/> <img src="source_SiW_Mv2/figures/demo_4.gif" width="300" height="200"/> </p>

The quick view on the code structure.

    ├── source_SiW_Mv2 (The spoof detection baseline source code, pre-trained weights and protocol partition files,.)
    ├── source_multi_domain (The multi-domain updating source code)
    └── DRA_form_SIWMv2.pdf (Dataset Release Agreement)

Note that the spoof detection baseline is described in the supplementary section of [Arxiv.]

1. SiW-Mv2 Introduction:

Introduction: SiW-Mv2 Dataset is a large-scale face anti-spoofing (FAS) dataset that is first introduced in the multi-domain FAS updating algorithm. The SiW-Mv2 dataset includes 14 spoof attack types, and these spoof attack types are designated and verified by the IARPA ODIN program. Also, SiW-Mv2 dataset is a privacy-aware dataset, in which ALL live subjects in SiW-Mv2 dataset have signed the consent form which ensures the dataset usage for the research purpose. The more details are can be found in page and [paper].

2. SiW-Mv2 Protocols:

To set a baseline for future study on SiW-Mv2, we define three protocols. Note the partition file for each protocol is fixed, which can be found in ./source_SiW_Mv2/pro_3_text/ of Dataset Sec.1.

3. Baseline Performance

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/CHELSEA234/Multi-domain-learning-FAS/blob/main/source_SiW_Mv2/figures/baseline_performance.png" alt="drawing" width="600"/> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/CHELSEA234/Multi-domain-learning-FAS/blob/main/source_SiW_Mv2/figures/train_tb.png" alt="drawing" width="500"/> <img src="https://github.com/CHELSEA234/Multi-domain-learning-FAS/blob/main/source_SiW_Mv2/figures/intermediate_result.png" alt="drawing" width="300"/> </p>

4. Baseline Pre-trained Weights

IN/AlinkIIPartial EyeslinkIITransparentlink
IIFull MasklinkIIPaper MasklinkIIObfuscationlink
IICosmeticlinkIIPaper glasslinkIIPrintlink
IIFunnyEyeslinkIIPartial MouthlinkIIMannequinlink
IIICross Domainlink

5. Download

  1. SiW-Mv2 database is available under a license from Michigan State University for research purposes. Sign the Dataset Release Agreement link.

  2. Submit the request and your signed DRA to guoxia11@msu.edu with the following information:

    • Title: SiW-Mv2 Application
    • CC: Your advisor's email
    • Content Line 1: Your name, email, affiliation
    • Content Line 2: Your advisor's name, email, webpage
    • Attachment: Signed DRA
  3. You will receive the download instructions upon approval of your usage of the database.


If you would like to use our work, please cite:

    title={Multi-domain Learning for Updating Face Anti-spoofing Models},
    author={Guo, Xiao and Liu, Yaojie and Jain, Anil and Liu, Xiaoming},

This github will continue to update in the near future. If you have any question, please contact: Xiao Guo