


Official repo for SketchDeco: Decorating B&W Sketches with Colour.

See Project Page for more examples.

Concept of SketchDeco


SketchDeco is a training-free sketch colourisation approach that turns free-hand sketches, masks, and colour palettes into realistic images without user-defined text prompts.


Our codebase is tested on Nvidia RTX 4090 Super GPUs and Google Colab A100 instance. A VRAM of 23 GB is recommended, though this may vary depending on the input samples (minimum 20 GB).

Install Dependencies

git clone https://github.com/CHAITron/sketchdeco-code.git
cd sketchdeco-code
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download Model (other models will automatically download)

mkdir ckpt
wget -O ckpt/sd-v2-1_512-ema-pruned.ckpt https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base/resolve/main/v2-1_512-ema-pruned.ckpt?download=true

Sketch, Masks, and Palettes Preparation

We provided two examples in inputs/ folder. In each example, sketch.png is an input sketch with two colourised Region-of-Interests (ROIs) (mask1+palette1 and mask2+palette2).In order to add more ROIs, user can add mask3+palette3, ... . The input data structure is like this:

├── example1
│  ├── sketch.xxx
│  ├── mask1.xxx
│  ├── palette1.xxx
│  ├── mask2.xxx
│  ├── palette2.xxx
│  ├── ...
├── example2
│  ├── sketch.xxx
│  ├── mask1.xxx
│  ├── palette1.xxx
│  ├── mask2.xxx
│  ├── palette2.xxx
│  ├── ...
├── ...

Sketch Preparation

Input Sketch can be any B&W sketch with size 512x512. In the examples, we got them from https://www.freepik.com/:

<img src="inputs/example1/sketch.png" alt="drawing" width="200"/> <img src="inputs/example2/sketch.png" alt="drawing" width="200"/>

Mask and Palette Preparation

Since, mask#n and palette#n are linked together, user is expected to add two files (mask+palette) when adding new RoI. For mask, it is binary image shared same resolution with input sketch (512x512). In our examples, we used Adobe Photoshop to create masks using the Brush and Magic Wand tools. Here are some illustrations of the masks:

<img src="inputs/example1/mask1.png" alt="drawing" width="200"/> <img src="inputs/example2/mask1.png" alt="drawing" width="200"/>

Colour palette can be described in text file. Each line should contain one colour hex-code:


Running SketchDeco

To execute the SketchDeco, run the following commands:

!python main.py  --indir ./inputs     \
                 --outdir ./outputs   \
                 --tau 0.4            \
                 --seed 1284                             

P.S. seed is just used for reproducing the following results from inputs/:


Tau value is a scaling factor representing a trade-off between harmonisation and faithfulness. A low τ = 0.0 gives better harmonisation of colours but lacks faithfulness (e.g., missing regions in the wings of ‘butterfly’) whereas a high τ = 1.0 gives highly faithful image generation but lacks sufficient harmonisation of colours (e.g., the red patch on ‘cow’).

Tau value



Our work is built on the amazing achievements of those who came before us. A huge thank you to the brilliant minds who created the foundation for our code: TF-ICON, Stable-Diffusion and Prompt-to-Prompt.


If you find the repo useful, please consider citing:

  author    = {Chaitat Utintu and Pinaki Nath Chowdhury and Aneeshan Sain and Subhadeep Koley and Ayan Kumar Bhunia and Yi-Zhe Song},
  title     = {SketchDeco: Decorating B&W Sketches with Colour},
  journal   = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.18716},
  year      = {2024},