


Yet Another Moso-Teach Fucker

How to Use

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Edit config.json
    • account : Your account (mobile)
    • pwd : Your password
    • sleep : Intervel between two query request (seconds)
    • timeout : timing for stop (minutes)
    • courses : course configs , key representing the full name of course
      • delay : Interval from inspection to checkin (seconds)
      • lat : GPS latitude information (0 for NO GPS info)
      • lng : GPS longtitude information (0 for NO GPS info)
  3. Run yarn
  4. Run node main.js
  5. All done & Enjoy it!


This repo is under GPLv3 LICENSE


By Using this repo,

You understand that the use of the contents of this repo is your personal behavior. You should use them in compliance with local laws and regulations. And you are fully legally responsible for your behavior.

You understand that this repo will not be responsible to any direct or indirect losses caused by your use, including but not limited to economic losses.

This Repo was developed in Santa Barbara, California, USA. You agree that any mediation or litigation should be conducted in a judicial venue with local jurisdiction in the event of any dispute.