

Config-extractor karton service

Extracts static configuration from samples and memory dumps using the malduck engine.

Author: CERT.pl

Maintainers: nazywam, psrok1, msm


    "type": "sample",
    "stage": "recognized",
    "kind": "runnable",
    "platform": "win32"
    "type": "sample",
    "stage": "recognized",
    "kind": "runnable",
    "platform": "win64"
    "type": "sample",
    "stage": "recognized",
    "kind": "runnable",
    "platform": "linux"
    "type": "analysis",

While sample type is self explanatory, the analysis type might be confusing. The analysis task is an output from one of sandboxes: drakvuf-sandbox, cuckoo, or joesandbox. Analysis is a sample with additional memory dumps attached.

The analysis type task is expected to be in format:

task = Task(
    headers={"type": "analysis"}
        "sample": <sample>,
        "dumps.zip": Resource.from_directory("dumps.zip", dumps_path.as_posix()),
        "dumps_metadata": [
            {"filename": <dump1_filename>, "base_address": <dump1_base_address>},
            {"filename": <dump2_filename>, "base_address": <dump2_base_address>},
            {"filename": <dump3_filename>, "base_address": <dump3_base_address>},

where dumps_metadata contains information about filename and base address for every memory dump in dumps.zip. The following attributes are:

The extractor tries to retrieve config from each memory dump and will pick only the best candidate from each malware family.


# Dropped dumps related with static configuration
    "type": "sample",
    "stage": "analyzed",
    "kind": "dump",
    "platform": "win32",
    "extension": "exe"
    "payload": {
        "sample": <Resource>, # Dump where config was found
        "parent": <Resource>  # Original executable

# Static configuration
    "type": "config",
    "family": <str>, # Family name
    "payload": {
        "config": <dict>,     # Static configuration
        "sample": <Resource>, # Dump where config was found
        "parent": <Resource>, # Original executable


First of all, make sure you have setup the core system: https://github.com/CERT-Polska/karton

Then install karton-config-extractor from PyPi:

$ pip install karton-config-extractor

$ karton-config-extractor --modules malduck-extractor-modules/

Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility by of the European Union