I'm Bored =o
A React-Redux / Material UI app built to address daily boredom. Filter and search through categories and add your favorites to your personal list! Built with the Bored API
Built With:
- React
- Redux
- Material UI
- [Bored API] (
- [Geek Jokes] (
- [icanhazdadjoke] (
- [Advice Slip] (
- [KanyeRest] (
- [RandomFactAPI] (
Tested With:
- Cypress IO
User can select any of the following categories and receive a random activity that pertains to the selected category.
- Educational
- Social
- Recreational
- Do It Yourself (DIY)
- Music
- Relaxation
- Cooking
- Charity
- Busy or occupational work
- Random
Contributing to Bored API
User can directly contribute to the Bored API by sending an activity suggestion to the Bored API team. User can fill in activity, type and number of participants!