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The NebulaBootstrap cluster management command line interface. nebcli created with click.


The nebcli.py is compatible with python2 and python3. If you execute the script directly, you need to install the click and requests modules first. Here is a setup.py auto-install script that can be used to install nebcli as a system command by executing the following command:

pip install --editable .

now, you are able to execute the command nebcli:

nebcli --help


nebcli.py and nebcli are work in the same way. example for non-interactive:

nebcli --url show nodes

example for interactively (similar to mysql command line interaction):

nebcli --url


show ip_white                                   # Show the IP whitelist of the cluster.
show subscription                               # Show node type subscription information.
show subscription ${node_type}                  # Show subscription information for a specified node type.
show nodes                                      # Show online node information.
show nodes ${node_type}                         # Show online node information of the specified node type.
show node_report ${node_type}                   # Show the working status of nodes of the specified type (load, amount of data sent and received, etc.)
show node_report ${node_type} ${node_identify}  # Show the specified node type to specify the node working status.
show node_detail ${node_type}                   # Show node information details (IP address, number of worker processes, etc.) of the specified type.
show node_detail ${node_type} ${node_identify}  # Show details of the specified node of the specified type.
show beacon                                     # Show beacon nodes.
get node_config ${node_identify}
get node_custom_config ${node_identify}
get custom_config ${node_identify} ${config_file_relative_path} ${config_file_name}
set node_config ${node_type} ${config_file_content}
set node_config ${node_type} ${node_identify} ${config_file_content}
set node_config_from_file ${node_type} ${config_file}
set node_config_from_file ${node_type} ${node_identify} ${config_file}
set node_custom_config ${node_type} ${config_content}
set node_custom_config ${node_type} ${node_identify} ${config_content}
set node_custom_config_from_file ${node_type} ${config_file}
set node_custom_config_from_file ${node_type} ${node_identify} ${config_file}
set custom_config ${node_type} ${config_file_name} ${config_file_content}
set custom_config ${node_type} ${config_file_relative_path} ${config_file_name} ${config_file_content}
set custom_config ${node_type} ${node_identify} ${config_file_relative_path} ${config_file_name} ${config_file_content}
set custom_config_from_file ${node_type} ${config_file}
set custom_config_from_file ${node_type} ${config_file_relative_path} ${config_file}
set custom_config_from_file ${node_type} ${node_identify} ${config_file_relative_path} ${config_file}

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