

Analysis of 'immigration services'-related FTC complaints — 2006 to 2018

This repository contains data, analytic code, and findings that support portions of the BuzzFeed News article, “She Paid A Lawyer Thousands Of Dollars To Apply For A Green Card. Then She Got A Deportation Order Instead.,” published September 29, 2018. Please read that article, which contains important context and details, before proceeding.


This analysis uses three spreadsheets containing complaints filed to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in relation to 'immigration services'. The spreadsheets come from two sources:

Each of the spreadsheets contain, among others, the following columns relevant to the analysis:


The notebook 2018-09-ftc-analysis.ipynb performs two analyses:

Part 1: Find a yearly average of complaints
Part 2: Find words commonly used in the complaints


The results of "Part 2" above are saved as output/word_counts.csv.

Running the analysis yourself

You can run the analysis yourself. To do so, you'll need the following installed on your computer:

Additionally, before running the analysis, you'll need to install spaCy's English language model. You can do so by running the following command in your terminal: python -m spacy download en. (The analysis uses spaCy, a natural language processing library for Python, to tokenize and lemmatize the text of the complaints.)


All code in this repository is available under the MIT License. The data file in the output/ directory is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. All files in the data/ directory are released into the public domain.

Feedback / Questions?

Contact Lam Thuy Vo at lam.vo@buzzfeed.com. Looking for more from BuzzFeed News? Click here for a list of our open-sourced projects, data, and code..