

Analysis of "Unfounded" Rape Reports

This repository contains data, code, and methodologies supporting the September 8, 2016 BuzzFeed News article, "When Detectives Dismiss Rape Reports Before Investigating Them."

Data Sources

The data in this analysis come from two main sources, described below.

FBI Uniform Crime Reports

The FBI's Uniform Crime Report database tracks the number of crimes reported by most law enforcement agencies in the country. BuzzFeed News obtained UCR data, via the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, for 2009 through 2014 (the most recent year available).

These data files are available in the data/ucr folder, zipped into ucr-data.zip.

Note: In 2013 the FBI updated its definition of rape for the Uniform Crime Reports. It does not appear to have changed the overall rate of rape cases declared to be "unfounded."

DOJ "Crosswalk" Table

The Bureau of Justice Statistics provides a "crosswalk" file, which connects the UCR's agency IDs to agency names and locations.



Contact John Templon at john.templon@buzzfeed.com or Alex Campbell at alex.campbell@buzzfeed.com.

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