

Analysis: "Deficiencies" among Texas foster care child placing agencies

Quick link: See the analysis.

This repository contains the data and code used to analyze deficiency rates among Texas foster care child placing agencies. This analysis is referenced in the Feb. 20, 2015 BuzzFeed News article, "Fostering Profits."


The data for the analyses were extracted from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services' online database of foster care child placing agencies (CPAs) on Feb. 18, 2015. The Python scripts used to extract the information can be found in the scripts directory. The relationship between the scripts is described in this repository's Makefile. The data itself can be found in the data directory.


Analysis for this project was conducted in an IPython notebook, the raw version of which can be found here. A rendered version of the notebook, which doesn't require installing or running any software, can be viewed here.