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Node.js Simple Elasticsearch

Provides lightweight wrapper around Elasticsearch API.



npm install simple-elasticsearch


Provides wrappers around commonly-used Elasticsearch API endpoints, as well as a generic request() method that can be used to execute arbitrary API calls.

Usage Examples

See tests for more usage examples.

Creating a Client

Simple Usage

var client = require('simple-elasticsearch').client.create();

Advanced Usage

var options = {
    host: 'localhost', // default
    port: 9200,        // default
    protocol: 'http',  // default
    index: 'my_index', // optional - if set, then the core methods don't require an index
                       //            to be set in each function call.
    auth: {            // optional HTTP Basic Auth params.
       username: 'username',
       password: 'password'
    logging: {         // optional logging
       logger: your_logger, // required -- there is no default logger.
       level: 'debug', // default
       events: ['request', 'response'] // Default events to log.
                                       // 'request':  Log the HTTP requests.
                                       // 'response': Log the HTTP responses.
       formatters: {request: 'curl'} // Default 'plain'. Available options are 'plain' and 'curl' for now.
                                     // 'curl' formatter logs requests in
                                     // cURL format, which is handy for debugging and
                                     // sharing requests with others.
                                     // TODO: add ability to provide a custom formatter.

var client = require('simple-elasticsearch').client.create(options);

Core Methods


client.core.index({index: 'my_index', type: 'my_type'}, function(err, result) {});
client.core.index({index: 'my_index', type: 'my_type', id: 'my_id'}, function(err, result) {});


var search = {query: {term: {name: 'foo'}}};
client.core.search({search: search}, function(err, result) {});
client.core.search({index: 'my_index', search: search}, function(err, result) {});
client.core.search({index: 'my_index', type: 'my_type', search: search}, function(err, result, raw) {
    // raw is the raw JSON string from Elasticsearch
    // result is an object with this structure:
    //  {
    //     ids: [/* array of matching doc ids */],
    //     objects: [/* array of _source doc objects */],
    //     total: <number of search hits>,
    //     max_score: <max search score>
    //  }


client.core.get({index: 'my_index', type: 'my_type', id: id}, function(err, doc) {


client.core.del({index: 'my_index', type: 'my_type', id: id}, function(err, result) {});

scanSearch() / scan_search()

var search = {query: {term: {name: 'foo'}}};
client.core.scanSearch({search: search}, function(err, result) {});
client.core.scanSearch({index: 'my_index'}, function(err, result) {});
client.core.scanSearch({index: 'my_index', type: 'my_type'}, function(err, result, raw) {
    // raw is the raw JSON string from Elasticsearch
    // result is the scroll_id

scrollSearch / scroll_search()

client.core.scrollSearch({scroll_id: 'a_scroll_id_returned_from_scan_search'}, function(err, result, raw) {
    // raw is the raw JSON string from Elasticsearch
    // result is an object with this structure:
    //  {
    //     ids: [/* array of matching doc ids */],
    //     objects: [/* array of _source doc objects */],
    //     total: <number of search hits>,
    //     max_score: <max search score>
    //  }

Index Methods


var options = {number_of_shards: 1};
client.indices.create({index: 'my_index', options: options}, function(err, result) {});


client.indices.del({index: 'my_index'}, function(err, result) {});


client.indices.refresh(function(err, result) {});
client.indices.refresh({index: 'my_index'}, function(err, result) {});
client.indices.refresh({indices: ['my_index1', 'my_index2']}, function(err, result) {});


client.indices.status(function(err, result) {});
client.indices.status({index: 'my_index'}, function(err, result) {});
client.indices.status({indices: ['my_index1', 'my_index2']}, function(err, result) {});

Cluster Methods

TBD, but you can use the client.request() method directly in the meantime.


To run tests, first run:

npm install

Run the tests and JShint:



If you would like to contribute to the project, please fork it and send us a pull request. Please add tests for any new features or bug fixes. Also run make before submitting the pull request.


node-simple-elasticsearch licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file.