

GitHub Tag Package Control Build Status

<p align="center"> <img src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/Briles/gruvbox/master/assets/banner-image.svg" alt="gruvbox for Sublime Text" width="327px" height="122px"> </p>

Based on gruvbox for Vim

Screenshot Dark Screenshot Light

Contrast options

Screenshot Contrast Options


<details> <summary>Package Control</summary>

The easiest way to install is using Package Control

  1. Open Command Palette using menu item Tools -> Command Palette... (<kbd></kbd><kbd></kbd><kbd>P</kbd> on Mac) (<kbd>ctrl</kbd><kbd>shift</kbd><kbd>P</kbd> on Windows)
  2. Choose Package Control: Install Package
  3. Find gruvbox and hit <kbd>Enter</kbd>
  4. Activate the theme by adding the code below to Preferences > Setting - User:
  5. Restart Sublime Text
</details> <details> <summary>Manual</summary>

You can also install the theme manually:

  1. Download the .zip
  2. Unzip and rename the folder to gruvbox
  3. Copy the folder into Packages directory, which you can find using the menu item Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Browse Packages...
  4. Activate the theme by adding the code below to Preferences > Setting - User:
  5. Restart Sublime Text

How to Activate

Activate the UI theme and color scheme by modifying your user preferences file, which you can find using the menu item Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User (<kbd></kbd><kbd>,</kbd> on Mac).

Note: Don't forget to restart Sublime Text after activating the theme.

// gruvbox Dark Hard Contrast
  "theme": "gruvbox.sublime-theme",
  "color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Hard).sublime-color-scheme",
// gruvbox Dark Medium Contrast
  "theme": "gruvbox.sublime-theme",
  "color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Medium).sublime-color-scheme",
// gruvbox Dark Soft Contrast
  "theme": "gruvbox.sublime-theme",
  "color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Soft).sublime-color-scheme",
// gruvbox Light Hard Contrast
  "theme": "gruvbox.sublime-theme",
  "color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Hard).sublime-color-scheme",
// gruvbox Light Medium Contrast
  "theme": "gruvbox.sublime-theme",
  "color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Medium).sublime-color-scheme",
// gruvbox Light Soft Contrast
  "theme": "gruvbox.sublime-theme",
  "color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Soft).sublime-color-scheme",

Color Scheme Variations

gruvbox comes with color scheme variations which have different brightness, saturation, or colors than their parent color schemes while still maintaining that excellent gruvbox tone.

No Dimmed Colors

A variant without out any neutral / dimmed colors

"color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Hard) NDC.sublime-color-scheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Medium) NDC.sublime-color-scheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Soft) NDC.sublime-color-scheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Hard) NDC.sublime-color-scheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Medium) NDC.sublime-color-scheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Soft) NDC.sublime-color-scheme",


<details> <summary>Accent Colors</summary>

Accent Colors

Accent colors affect icons and certain text.

  "gruvbox_accent_aqua": true,    // uses the cyanish color from the color scheme
  "gruvbox_accent_blue": true,    // uses the bluish color from the color scheme
  "gruvbox_accent_green": true,   // uses the greenish color from the color scheme
  "gruvbox_accent_orange": true,  // uses the orangish color from the color scheme
  "gruvbox_accent_purple": true,  // uses the purplish color from the color scheme
  "gruvbox_accent_red": true,     // uses the redish color from the color scheme
  "gruvbox_accent_yellow": true,  // uses the yellowish color from the color scheme
  "gruvbox_accent_pink": true,    // uses the pinkish color from the color scheme
</details> <details> <summary>AutoComplete Spacing</summary>

Change the space between autocomplete rows

  // sizes are top/bottom in px
  "gruvbox_autocomplete_cramped": true,      //  v  2
  "gruvbox_autocomplete_compact": true,      //  |  4
                                             //  |  6 (Default)
  "gruvbox_autocomplete_comfortable": true,  //  |  8
  "gruvbox_autocomplete_cozy": true,         //  v  10
</details> <details> <summary>AutoComplete Border</summary>

Add a border around the autocomplete popup

  "gruvbox_autocomplete_border": true,
  "gruvbox_autocomplete_border_thick": true,
</details> <details> <summary>Sideline Selected AutoComplete Row</summary>

Add a border to the left of the selected autocomplete row

All thicknesses require gruvbox_sideline_autocomplete_row to be true.

  "gruvbox_sideline_autocomplete_row": true,           //  v  1 (Default)
  "gruvbox_sideline_autocomplete_row_thick": true,     //  |  2
  "gruvbox_sideline_autocomplete_row_thickest": true,  //  v  3
</details> <details> <summary>Disable Selected AutoComplete Row Highlight</summary>

Remove the highlight from the selected autocomplete row.

  "gruvbox_disable_autocomplete_row_highlight": true,
</details> <details> <summary>Sidebar Spacing</summary>

Change the space between sidebar tree rows

  // sizes are top/bottom in px
  "gruvbox_sidebar_cozy": true,         //  v  1
  "gruvbox_sidebar_comfortable": true,  //  |  3
                                        //  |  5 (Default)
  "gruvbox_sidebar_compact": true,      //  |  7
  "gruvbox_sidebar_cramped": true,      //  v  9
</details> <details> <summary>Sidebar Indent</summary>

Change the indent of sidebar tree rows

  "gruvbox_sidebar_indent_xxs": true,  //  v  4
  "gruvbox_sidebar_indent_xs": true,   //  |  8
  "gruvbox_sidebar_indent_s": true,    //  |  12
                                       //  |  16 (Default)
  "gruvbox_sidebar_indent_l": true,    //  |  20
  "gruvbox_sidebar_indent_xl": true,   //  |  24
  "gruvbox_sidebar_indent_xxl": true,  //  v  28
</details> <details> <summary>Sidebar Font Sizes</summary>

Change the font size of the sidebar labels

Increasing the font size will distort the icons in the sidebar.

  "gruvbox_sidebar_font_size_10": true,  //  v  10
                                         //  |  11 (Default)
  "gruvbox_sidebar_font_size_12": true,  //  |  12
  "gruvbox_sidebar_font_size_13": true,  //  |  13
  "gruvbox_sidebar_font_size_14": true,  //  |  14
  "gruvbox_sidebar_font_size_15": true,  //  |  15
  "gruvbox_sidebar_font_size_16": true,  //  v  16
</details> <details> <summary>Bold Sidebar Labels</summary>

Toggle bold fonts for sidebar labels

  "gruvbox_sidebar_heading_bold": true,
  "gruvbox_sidebar_label_bold": true,
</details> <details> <summary>Command Palette Spacing</summary>

Change the space between command palette rows

  // sizes are top/bottom in px
  "gruvbox_command_palette_cozy": true,         //  v  16
  "gruvbox_command_palette_comfortable": true,  //  |  14
                                                //  |  12 (Default)
  "gruvbox_command_palette_compact": true,      //  |  8
  "gruvbox_command_palette_cramped": true,      //  v  4
</details> <details> <summary>Sideline Selected Command Palette Row</summary>

Add a border to the left of the selected Command Palette row

All thicknesses require gruvbox_sideline_command_palette_row to be true.

  "gruvbox_sideline_command_palette_row": true,           //  v  1 (Default)
  "gruvbox_sideline_command_palette_row_thick": true,     //  |  2
  "gruvbox_sideline_command_palette_row_thickest": true,  //  v  3
</details> <details> <summary>Disable Selected Command Palette Row Highlight</summary>

Remove the highlight from the selected Command Palette row.

  "gruvbox_disable_command_palette_row_highlight": true,
</details> <details> <summary>Statusbar Sizes</summary>

Change the height of the statusbar

  // sizes are in px
  "gruvbox_statusbar_xxs": true,  //  v  20
  "gruvbox_statusbar_xs": true,   //  |  25
  "gruvbox_statusbar_s": true,    //  |  30
                                  //  |  35 (Default)
  "gruvbox_statusbar_l": true,    //  |  40
  "gruvbox_statusbar_xl": true,   //  |  45
  "gruvbox_statusbar_xxl": true,  //  v  50
</details> <details> <summary>Statusbar Button Widths</summary>

Change the minimum width of the buttons in the statusbar

  // sizes are in px
  "gruvbox_statusbar_button_xxs": true,  //  v  44
  "gruvbox_statusbar_button_xs": true,   //  |  55
  "gruvbox_statusbar_button_s": true,    //  |  65
                                         //  |  75 (Default)
  "gruvbox_statusbar_button_l": true,    //  |  85
  "gruvbox_statusbar_button_xl": true,   //  |  95
  "gruvbox_statusbar_button_xxl": true,  //  v  105
</details> <details> <summary>Statusbar Font Sizes</summary>

Change the font size of the status bar labels

  "gruvbox_statusbar_font_size_10": true,  //  v  10
                                           //  |  11 (Default)
  "gruvbox_statusbar_font_size_12": true,  //  |  12
  "gruvbox_statusbar_font_size_13": true,  //  |  13
  "gruvbox_statusbar_font_size_14": true,  //  |  14
  "gruvbox_statusbar_font_size_15": true,  //  |  15
  "gruvbox_statusbar_font_size_16": true,  //  v  16
</details> <details> <summary>Tab Sizes</summary>

Change the height of the tabs

  // sizes are in px
  "gruvbox_tabs_xxs": true,  //  v  33
  "gruvbox_tabs_xs": true,   //  |  39
  "gruvbox_tabs_s": true,    //  |  45
                             //  |  51 (Default)
  "gruvbox_tabs_l": true,    //  |  57
  "gruvbox_tabs_xl": true,   //  |  63
  "gruvbox_tabs_xxl": true,  //  v  69
</details> <details> <summary>Tab Font Sizes</summary>

Change the font size of the tabs

  "gruvbox_tabs_font_size_7": true,   //  v  7
  "gruvbox_tabs_font_size_8": true,   //  |  8
  "gruvbox_tabs_font_size_9": true,   //  |  9
  "gruvbox_tabs_font_size_10": true,  //  |  10
                                      //  |  11 (Default)
  "gruvbox_tabs_font_size_12": true,  //  |  12
  "gruvbox_tabs_font_size_13": true,  //  |  13
  "gruvbox_tabs_font_size_14": true,  //  |  14
  "gruvbox_tabs_font_size_15": true,  //  v  15
</details> <details> <summary>Autocollapsing Tab Bar</summary>

Autocollapse the tabs when not in use

  "gruvbox_autocollapse_tabs": true,            // enable the autocollapsing tabs

  // Set the height of the trigger area which shows the tabs
  "gruvbox_autocollapse_tabs_trigger_2": true,  //  v  2
  "gruvbox_autocollapse_tabs_trigger_3": true,  //  |  3
                                                //  |  4 (Default)
  "gruvbox_autocollapse_tabs_trigger_5": true,  //  |  5
  "gruvbox_autocollapse_tabs_trigger_6": true,  //  v  6
</details> <details> <summary>Underline Modified Tabs</summary>

Underline modified tabs with the current accent color

All thicknesses require gruvbox_underline_modified_tabs to be true.

  "gruvbox_underline_modified_tabs": true,        //  |  1 (Default)
  "gruvbox_underline_modified_tabs_thick": true,  //  v  2
</details> <details> <summary>Underline Active Tab</summary>

Underline the active tab with the current accent color

All thicknesses require gruvbox_underline_active_tab to be true.

  "gruvbox_underline_active_tab": true,          //  |  1 (Default)
  "gruvbox_underline_active_tab_thick": true,    //  |  2
  "gruvbox_underline_active_tab_thicker": true,  //  v  3
</details> <details> <summary>Find, Replace, and Console Sizes</summary>

Adjust the top & bottom margins of the Find, Replace, and Console panels

  "gruvbox_panel_xxs": true,  //  v  2
  "gruvbox_panel_xs": true,   //  |  4
  "gruvbox_panel_s": true,    //  |  8
                              //  |  11 (Default)
  "gruvbox_panel_l": true,    //  |  13
  "gruvbox_panel_xl": true,   //  |  15
  "gruvbox_panel_xxl": true,  //  v  17
</details> <details> <summary>Scrollbar Widths</summary>

Adjust the width of the scrollbars

  // sizes are total width in px
  "gruvbox_scrollbar_width_xs": true,  //  v  12
  "gruvbox_scrollbar_width_s": true,   //  |  14
                                       //  |  16 (Default)
  "gruvbox_scrollbar_width_l": true,   //  |  18
  "gruvbox_scrollbar_width_xl": true,  //  v  20
</details> <details> <summary>Button Font Sizes</summary>

Adjust the font size of the buttons

  "gruvbox_buttons_font_size_10": true,  //  v  10
                                         //  |  11 (Default)
  "gruvbox_buttons_font_size_12": true,  //  |  12
  "gruvbox_buttons_font_size_13": true,  //  |  13
  "gruvbox_buttons_font_size_14": true,  //  |  14
  "gruvbox_buttons_font_size_15": true,  //  |  15
  "gruvbox_buttons_font_size_16": true,  //  v  16
</details> <details> <summary>Disable/Enable Borders</summary>
  "gruvbox_disable_borders": true,                     // Disable all borders
  "gruvbox_enable_pane_borders": true,                 // Enable borders between panes
  "gruvbox_enable_sidebar_border": true,               // Enable the sidebar border
  "gruvbox_enable_statusbar_border": true,             // Enable borders for the status bar
  "gruvbox_enable_tab_borders": true,                  // Enable borders for the tabs
  "gruvbox_disable_command_palette_row_border": true,  // Disable Command Palette row borders

Alternate Folder Icons

<details> <summary>Larger Default Folder Icons</summary>

Use larger default folder icons in the sidebar

"gruvbox_folder_icons_large": true,
</details> <details> <summary>Square Folder Icons</summary>

Square Folder Icons

Use square folder icons in the sidebar

"gruvbox_folder_icons_square": true,
</details> <details> <summary>Circle Folder Icons</summary>

Circle Folder Icons

Use 'circle' folder icons in the sidebar

"gruvbox_folder_icons_circle": true,
</details> <details> <summary>Plus/Minus Folder Icons</summary>

Plus Minus Folder Icons

Use 'plus/minus' folder icons in the sidebar

"gruvbox_folder_icons_plus_minus": true,
</details> <details> <summary>Spacegray Folder Icons</summary>

Use spacegray-like folder icons in the sidebar

"gruvbox_folder_icons_spacegray": true,

Alternate Icon Sets

<details> <summary>Midstroke</summary>

Midstroke Icon Set

Use icons with a 1.5x thicker stroke

"gruvbox_iconset_midstroke": true,
</details> <details> <summary>Thick</summary>

Thick Icon Set

Use icons with a 2x thicker stroke

"gruvbox_iconset_thick": true,
</details> <details> <summary>Spacegray</summary>

Spacegray Icon Set

Use spacegray-like icons

"gruvbox_iconset_spacegray": true,

PlainTasks Support

<details> <summary>PlainTasks Support</summary>

To use the color scheme with the Plain​Tasks plugin, add the color scheme path to the "color_scheme" key in Preferences > Package Settings > PlainTasks > Settings - User like so:

// PlainTasks.sublime-settings

  "color_scheme": "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Medium).sublime-color-scheme",


Even More Settings...

<details> <summary>Even More Settings...</summary>
  "gruvbox_animate_icons": true,              // Enable icon animations
  "gruvbox_buttons_bold": true,               // Enable bold button labels
  "gruvbox_colored_tooltips": true,           // Color the tooltip backgrounds with the current accent color
  "gruvbox_disable_faded_file_icons": true,   // Make file-type icons opaque
  "gruvbox_disable_file_icons": true,         // Disable the sidebar file icons
  "gruvbox_disable_folder_icons": true,       // Disable the sidebar folder icons
  "gruvbox_disable_greyscale": true,          // Use gruvbox colors instead of greyscale colors for certain text
  "gruvbox_disable_panels_button": true,      // Hide the panel-switching button
  "gruvbox_enable_panel_close_button": true,  // Enable the panel close button
  "gruvbox_highlight_active_buttons": true,   // Highlight selected buttons in the Find & Replace panel
  "gruvbox_highlight_active_tree_row": true,  // Highlight the active file in the sidebar tree
  "gruvbox_less_contrast": true,              // Use less contrasting colors in sidebar, tabs, etc.
  "gruvbox_statusbar_bold": true,             // Enable bold status bar labels
  "gruvbox_tabs_autowidth": true,             // Auto-size the tabs
  "gruvbox_tabs_bold": true,                  // Enable bold tabs


All extras can be found in the extras sub-directory of the package.

App Icons

App icons in PNG, ICO, & ICNS format are located in extras/app-icons/.

SublimeLinter Gutter Theme

<details> <summary>Activation</summary>
  1. Add the gruvbox directory from extras/sublimelinter gutter-themes/ to Sublime Text/Data/Packages/SublimeLinter/gutter-themes/
  2. Set gruvbox as the gutter theme by choosing SublimeLinter: Choose Gutter Theme from the command palette and selecting gruvbox or by changing "gutter_theme" to "Packages/SublimeLinter/gutter-themes/gruvbox/gruvbox.gutter-theme" in SublimeLinter.sublime-settings
  3. Restart Sublime Text

Bracket Highlighter Icons

<details> <summary>Activation</summary>

Bracket Highlighter Icons

  1. Move all images in extras/BracketHighlighter/icons/ to Sublime Text/Data/Packages/BracketHighlighter/icons/
  2. Restart Sublime Text

Code Fold Icon

<details> <summary>Activation</summary>

Code Fold Icons

  1. Rename any *_fold.png in extras to fold.png
  2. Add the newly renamed fold.png icon to Sublime Text/Data/Packages/Theme - Default/
  3. Restart Sublime Text

Bookmark Icon

<details> <summary>Activation</summary>

Bookmark Icons

  1. Rename any *_bookmark_*.png in extras to bookmark.png
  2. Add the newly renamed bookmark.png icon to Sublime Text/Data/Packages/Theme - Default/
  3. Restart Sublime Text


<details> <summary>Dark mode</summary>

Palette Dark

</details> <details> <summary>Light mode</summary>

Palette Light





Contributions are always welcome. Before contributing please read CONTRIBUTING.md.

For Other Editors


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