

<h1 align="center"> STEP-WRITER </h1> <h3 align="center">🤓 Shared Text Editor Program - Writer.<br/> A Lightweight & Simple C++ TUI Text Editor. </h3> <p align="center"> <img src="Docs/ThemesStacked.png" alt="Simple Images" title="Simple Image" width="700"/> </p>


Step-Writer is a TUI text editor. Which simulates vim motions and other customizable features. I am doing this because the remote servers at UBC does not have neovim installed... So why not make my own text editor.

Implemented Features:

<p align="center"> <img src="Docs/Demo1.png" alt="Simple showcase Gif" title="Simple Image" width="700"/> <p align="center">Figure 1. Overview of the project using Wezterm</p> </p>

I'll try to update this blog which should contain a better documentation and progress of the state of the application. (Though, I have a bad schedule of updating said site.)

Below, you can see this editor editing it's own source code as per the tradition!

<p align="center"> <img src="Docs/Demo.gif" alt="Source code Gif" title="Simple Image" width="700"/> <p align="center">Figure 2. Editing it's own source code.</p> </p>


  1. Clone the project using git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/BrianAnakPintar/step-writer.git
  2. Once cloned go to the step-writer folder, create a build directory by typing mkdir build and go to that directory by running cd build
  3. Next, run cmake ..
  4. Make the program by running make
  5. Finally, run the program ./step-writer from the build directory.

If you have already cloned the project without using the --recurse-submodules flag, then

  1. Clone the project (Assuming it's not already cloned)
  2. Once you have cloned, go into the step-writer folder using cd step-writer
  3. Run git submodule update --init --recursive
  4. Go back to the step-writer directory and create a build directory by typing mkdir build and go to that directory by running cd build
  5. Next, run cmake ..
  6. Make the program by running make
  7. Finally, run the program ./step-writer <path> from the build directory.

Todo (soo many things to do ;-;)


The project uses FTXUI for the terminal UI components, it is a very cool TUI library that anyone planning to make a TUI application in C++ should consider using. Aside from that it also uses Tree-Sitter which is an incremental parsing system that I use for syntax highlighting.


<p align="center"> <img src="Docs/Overview.gif" alt="Simple showcase Gif" title="Simple Showcase Gif" width="700"/> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="Docs/Warp-StepWriter.png" alt="Simple showcase Gif" title="Simple Showcase Gif" width="700"/> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="Docs/Home-Screen.png" alt="Home Screen" title="Simple Showcase Gif" width="700"/> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="Docs/BUGS.gif" alt="BUGS" title="Simple Showcase Gif" width="700"/> <p align="center">Video of trying to implement syntax higlighting, encountering indexing bugs.</p> </p>