

Rayed BQN

Rayed BQN is a library made to write cross-platform applications using the BQN programming language. It inter-ops with Raylib, but changes a lot of the functions to be more in-lined with BQN's syntax.

Breaking changes to any feature in rayed.bqn should be expected for now, as this library is very young and experimental. ffi/raylib.bqn is only for bindings and is autogenerated with the currently installed raylib version so you can rely on these.

Getting started


Make sure you've installed git and CBQN. rayed-bqn works with CBQN version 0.7.0, and hopefully >0.7.0 aswell.

Make sure CBQN is on PATH, check by typing bqn in Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell, run it, and type 1+1 and get 2. If bqn wasn't found, add the bqn folder from cbqn-win-docker-build to PATH. Tutorial on how to add folders to path.

Clone rayed-bqn by typing the following in Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell.

git clone https://github.com/Brian-ED/rayed-bqn.git
cd rayed-bqn
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ..

Now run the PowerShell script install-raylib/windows.ps1 and you should be able to run some examples in the examples folder.

If you would rather not run the script and setup yourself, download raylib with release raylib-VERSION_win64_msvc16, where VERSION would be the version number, use whichever is latest since it should be most stable. Place the extracted folder inside the rayed-bqn folder and rename the extracted folder to "raylib". Now you can run some examples in the examples folder.


Make sure you've installed git and CBQN. rayed-bqn works with CBQN version 0.7.0, and hopefully >0.7.0 aswell.

Clone rayed-bqn

git clone https://github.com/Brian-ED/rayed-bqn.git
cd rayed-bqn
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ..

Build raylib and install it:

git clone https://github.com/raysan5/raylib.git
cd raylib/src
sudo make install RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=SHARED
cd ../../

Now run an example, if it doesn't work please post an issue.


Make sure you've installed CBQN.

First, clone rayed-bqn

git clone https://github.com/Brian-ED/rayed-bqn.git
cd rayed-bqn
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ..

Next, install raylib. If you use Homebrew:

brew install raylib

If you don't use Homebrew you can get raylib by downloading the MacOS raylib release raylib-VERSION_macos.tar.gz (replace VERSION with whichever is latest, it should be most stable) and place it inside this project, at the same level as rayed.bqn and rename the unarchived raylib-VERSION_macos.tar.gz folder to "raylib".

Now you should be able to run some examples in the examples folder.

Installing the raygui addon

Examples using this addon can be found in examples/14_gui-example. Currently you will have to compile raygui yourself, i plan on shipping a pre-built .dll for windows users in the future.

Installing for linux is shown below. If you're on windows, replace .so with .dll. If you're on mac, replace .so with .dylib.

git clone https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raysan5/raygui/master/
cd src
gcc -o libraygui.so raygui.c -shared -DRAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION -lraylib

After building, you can define rayguiHeaderPath and rayguiLibPath in config.bqn to be the path where you cloned raygui at.

Tested raylib versions:

raylib-4.5.0_win64_mingw-w64 on Windows 10 raylib version 4.5.0 built from source on Pop!_OS. raylib version 4.5.0 built from source on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. raylib version 5.0.0 built from source on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. raylib version 5.0.0 via homebrew on mac

Extra info

rayed-bqn relies on c-header-to-bqn-ffi for parsing all ffi/*.bqn automatically.

config file

A config file named "config.bqn" will be generated at ./rayed-bqn/config.bqn. It's a namespace bqn file with exported variables as settings.

For example setting the binary, the binary being one of the following: raylib.dll, libraylib.so, etc.

raylibLibPath ⇐ "raylib/lib/raylib.dll"
raylibHeaderPath ⇐ "raylib/include/raylib.h"
raylibLibPath ⇐ "raylib/lib/libraylib.so"
raylibHeaderPath ⇐ "raylib/include/raylib.h"

"/usr/local"The most important file in ./raylib/lib/ is the binary file, which could be located at: windows: raylib/lib/raylib.dll linux: /usr/local/lib/libraylib.so" macOS: /usr/local/lib/libraylib.dylib


Having as little magic as possible, magic meaning magic numbers and global values (available to the user) changing outside user's control.

Mutations localized in namespaces like "clock" are fine.


If you have any questions on contributing to this project, feel free to mention me on the bqn forum that's mentioned on the bqn-wiki, my username is Brian E.

You can submit however many issues as you'd like, I see them as a TODO list.

You can make pull requests and submit them for merges if you'd like, though be sure to discuss with me for any features you add to make sure you didn't put in wasted effort, though if it's mentioned in a github-issue and isn't taken do make sure you say you're working on it. Also say when you've stopped working on it, and share the roadblocks and progress, so someone can continue where you left off.


Lots of thanks to @dzaima for helping with FFI.

I owe credit to @nulldatamap for showing a lovely example to get me started with using FFI for BQN, and for making it easy to start with making this library.