

Odin binding generator

I dropped the support of this tool at the end of 2022. The reason is that I don't care anymore about Odin, and fixing "bugs" about C stupid syntax is not fun. Feel free to fork and keep alive if you need it.

An Odin library to convert a C header file into an Odin binding file.

Current status

No more support of this tool since the end of 2022.

The library has been tested against multiple C-libraries, such as xcb or vulkan, and the generated bindings are working fine.

When new tricky cases appear while converting a well-known library header, these are considered as bugs and are expected to be resolved quickly.

The C-parser is not expected to be perfect. Notably, "bugs" based on complex macros expansions are considered "intended". The goal is not to parse and resolve C wrong design decisions, but just be able to get a .odin file that works with most of C libraries.

No more support of this tool since the end of 2022.


import "bindgen"

main :: proc() {
    options : bindgen.GeneratorOptions;
        packageName = "vk",
        foreignLibrary = "system:vulkan",
        outputFile = "vulkan.odin",
        headerFiles = []string{"./vulkan.h"},
        options = options,

See the examples to show options tweaking in practice (such as case conventions), run them from the root folder: odin run ./examples/vulkan/generate.odin.

These examples generate bindings from the C headers of the library into ./examples/vulkans/generated/ and can be tested with odin run ./examples/vulkan/vulkan/test.odin.

Please note that these examples are not meant to generate up-to-date bindings, but to test said bindings.

One way to prevent errors with C macros is to run the preprocessor first, like so:

cat zlib.h | grep -v "#include " | gcc -E - -o - | grep -v "# " > zlib-preprocessed.h

Generator options


Variables, in this context, are function parameters and struct members names.

void function(int variableName);
DescriptionGenerated code
Enforce a new case syntax for variables.<br/> Case.Unknown keeps original. <ul><li>variableCase = Case.Snake</li></ul>function :: proc(variable_name : int) ---;


Parsing C #define, macros will be ignored. Other directives like #ifdef or #pragma are fully ignored too.

DescriptionGenerated code
A list of prefixes that should be removed from define names.<br/> These are recursive and will be removed as long as long possible. <ul><li>definePrefixes = []string{"AB_"}</li></ul> Postfix variant definePostfixes.MY_BEST_NUMBER :: 4;
A list of prefixes that should be kept but ignored while prefix removing. <ul><li>definePrefixes = []string{"MY_"}</li><li>defineTransparentPrefixes = []string{"AB_"}</li></ul> Postfix variant defineTransparentPostfixes.AB_BEST_NUMBER :: 4;
Enforce a new case syntax for defines.<br/> Case.Unknown keeps original. <ul><li>defineCase = Case.Camel</li></ul>abMyBestNumber :: 4;


A pseudo-type is either a struct, union, enum or typedef alias. That is to say anything that can be used as a type.

typedef struct {} ab_my_shape_ext;
DescriptionGenerated code
A list of prefixes that should be removed from pseudo-type names.<br/> These are recursive and will be removed as long as long possible. <ul><li>pseudoTypePrefixes = []string{"ab_"}</li></ul> Postfix variant pseudoTypePostfixes.my_shape_ext :: struct {}
A list of prefixes that should be kept but ignored while prefix removing. <ul><li>pseudoTypePrefixes = []string{"my_"}</li><li>pseudoTypeTransparentPrefixes = []string{"ab_"}</li></ul> Postfix variant pseudoTypeTransparentPostfixes.ab_shape_ext :: struct {}
Enforce a new case syntax for pseudo-types.<br/> Case.Unknown keeps original. <ul><li>pseudoTypeCase = Case.Pascal</li></ul>AbMyShapeExt :: struct {}


Only functions declarations are parsed, definitions are ignored.

uint32_t abMyFunction();
DescriptionGenerated code
A list of prefixes that should be removed from function names.<br/> These are recursive and will be removed as long as long possible. <ul><li>functionPrefixes = []string{"ab"}</li></ul> Postfix variant functionPostfixes.MyFunction :: proc() -> u32 ---;
A list of prefixes that should be kept but ignored while prefix removing. <ul><li>functionPrefixes = []string{"My"}</li><li>functionTransparentPrefixes = []string{"ab"}</li></ul> Postfix variant functionTransparentPostfixes.abFunction :: proc() -> u32 ---;
Enforce a new case syntax for functions.<br/> Case.Unknown keeps original. <ul><li>functionCase = Case.Pascal</li></ul>ab_my_function :: proc() -> u32 ---;

Enum values

Enum values are members of enums.

typedef enum {
    AB_MY_SHAPE_EXT_SQUARE, // The enum name is repeated in the value.
    AB_MY_SHAPE_CIRCLE_EXT, // Here, the EXT part has been moved to the end.
} abMyShapeExt;
DescriptionGenerated code
A list of prefixes that should be removed from enum values.<br/> These are recursive and will be removed as long as long possible. <ul><li>enumValuePrefixes = []string{"AB_"}</li></ul> Postfix variant enumValuePostfixes.abMyShapeExt :: enum i32 {<br/>MY_SHAPE_EXT_SQUARE,<br/>MY_SHAPE_CIRCLE_EXT<br/>}
A list of prefixes that should be kept but ignored while prefix removing. <ul><li>enumValuePrefixes = []string{"MY_"}</li><li>enumValueTransparentPrefixes = []string{"AB_"}</li></ul> Postfix variant enumValueTransparentPostfixes.abMyShapeExt :: enum i32 {<br/>AB_SHAPE_EXT_SQUARE,<br/>AB_SHAPE_CIRCLE_EXT<br/>}
Enforce a new case syntax for enum values.<br/> Case.Unknown keeps original. <ul><li>enumValueCase = Case.Pascal</li></ul>abMyShapeExt :: enum i32 {<br/>AbMyShapeExtSquare,<br/>AbMyShapeCircleExt<br/>}
Whether we should remove the prefix of an enum value if it matches its enum name.<br/> The case variant of the enum value is detected automatically. <ul><li>enumValueNameRemove = true</li></ul>abMyShapeExt :: enum i32 {<br/>SQUARE,<br/>AB_MY_SHAPE_CIRCLE_EXT<br/>}
The postfixes to be removed from the enum name while removing it from enum values.<br/> If any postfix is removed, we try to remove it from all the enum values too (adapting the case). <ul><li>enumValueNameRemove = true</li><li>enumValueNameRemovePostfixes = []string{"Ext"}</li></ul>abMyShapeExt :: enum i32 {<br/>EXT_SQUARE,<br/>CIRCLE<br/>}

Parser options

One can specify options for the parser, through the generator options. The purpose is mainly to handle custom macros, as the binding generator won't handle them.

A list of tokens that should be understood as whitespaces.<br/> <ul><li>ignoredTokens = []string{"AB_INLINE"}</li></ul>
A map of handlers used to understand a part of code that starts with the key as token. See ./examples/vulkan/generate.odin to find a use case.<br/> <ul><li>customHandlers["AB_DEFINE"] = proc(data : ^ParserData) { ... };</li></ul>
A map of handlers used to understand a part of code that starts with the key as token and that generates some expression value. See ./examples/vulkan/generate.odin to find a use case.<br/> <ul><li>customExpressionHandlers["AB_SQRT"] = proc(data : ^ParserData) -> LiteralValue { ... };</li></ul>


This library is MIT-licensed. See license.txt.