

Maplestory Packet Puller


Known Issues:

Technical Stack

Python3. & 3.8.6
IDA Pro 32-bit7.07.0
CLI Interpretorcmdpwsh 7.0

Other variants for contributors to test:

How to use

INPUT: .txt file containing C-pseudocode from IDA disassembly

OUTPUT: .txt file containing packet structure & console output

  1. Navigate to MaplePacketPuller/IDA Maple Script/src/main/python in CLI and run main.py

    • Alternatively use a Python IDE like PyCharm
  2. Input the type of Analysis you want to do

  3. Input the name of the file you want to analyze, i.e. the txt file you've just created

  4. Let the program analyze it.

  5. Now packet structure should be yours! :octocat:

    • see MaplePacketPuller/IDA Maple Script/FuncOutput/

The console output should look a little something like this:

OnSetField InHeader