

<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/homebridge/verified/blob/master/verified-plugins.json"><img alt="Homebridge Verified" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Brandawg93/homebridge-nest-cam/master/branding/Homebridge_x_Nest.svg?sanitize=true" width="500px"></a> </p>


⚠️ This project is no longer being maintained. It should still work for older cameras. For newer cameras, see homebridge-google-nest-sdm.

View your Nest cams in HomeKit using Homebridge with this plugin.



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  1. Install this plugin using: npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge-nest-cam
  2. Add google authentication to config.json
  3. Run Homebridge
  4. Login with homebridge-config-ui-x or use the manual authentication method.


By default, libx264 is used as the h264 encoder. If you would like to use a hardware-accelerated encoder instead, refer to the h264 Hardware Encoders Wiki.

Setting up the Config.json


Google Accounts are configured using a "refreshToken" string in config.json. An example is shown below. The field will be generated automatically when using homebridge-config-ui-x, otherwise, it can be found in your Nest account using the manual authentication method.

    "platform": "Nest-cam",
    "options": {
      "ffmpegCodec": "libx264",
      "motionDetection": true,
      "streamingSwitch": true,
      "disableAudio": false
    "refreshToken": "1//01T_..."


Extra options can be enabled/disabled depending on which switches and sensors you would like to see in the Home app. Here is the current list of available options:

ffmpegCodecThe video codec to use for FFmpegstring
streamQualityThe quality of the stream from LOW to HIGHnumber (1-3)
alertCheckRateHow often to check for alertsnumber (seconds)
alertCooldownRateHow long between consecutive alert notificationsnumber (seconds)
alertTypesWhat type of alerts to receivearray
importantOnlyOnly send notifications on events considered importantboolean
motionDetectionEnable/disable the motion sensorsboolean
doorbellAlertsEnable/disable doorbell ring notificationsboolean
doorbellSwitchEnable/disable doorbell automation switchboolean
streamingSwitchEnable/disable the ability to turn the camera on or offboolean
chimeSwitchEnable/disable the ability to turn the doorbell chime on or offboolean
audioSwitchEnable/disable the ability to turn the camera audio on or offboolean
pathToFfmpegSpecify the path to a custom FFmpeg binarystring
camerasSpecify the camera UUID of which cameras to seearray
structuresSpecify the structure ID of which structures' cameras to seearray


Join the Discord

Unfortunately, there is no way for me to test every subscription, camera type, and feature. If you would like to help me test new features and enhancements, or if you have general questions or need support, join the official Homebridge Discord Server.


This plugin was originally developed by KhaosT.

This plugin was converted to typescript using both homebridge-ring and homebridge-examples.

Donate to Support homebridge-nest-cam

This plugin was made with you in mind. If you would like to show your appreciation for its continued development, please consider sponsoring me on Github.

<sub><sup>Disclaimer: This plugin and its contributers are not affiliated with Google LLC or Nest Labs in any way.</sub></sup>