


Salt formula and scripts for Mesos with Serenity deployment.

For the full Salt Formulas installation and usage see instructions.

For official Serenity page see Project Serenity.



Tested on CentOS 7, 36x Intel Xeon E5 v3 machines with NFS storage under DCOS.


On salt master node:

  1. Install formulas from this repo to /srv/formulas/:

     git clone https://github.com/Bplotka/serenity-formula.git
  2. Add /srv/formulas/serenity-formula to /etc/salt/master conf under:

         - /srv/formulas/serenity-formula
  3. Restart salt-master.

  4. Copy serenity.sls.example to /srv/pillar/serenity.sls and edit file to configuration. (make sure that dns , zookeeper_cluster_size and master_lb are filled properly.

  5. Copy or append content from top.sls.example to /srv/pillar/top.sls

  6. Set roles for each node using salt:

     $ salt 'masternode.example.com' grains.setval mesos-roles [master]
     $ salt 'agentnode.example.com' grains.setval mesos-roles [slave]
  7. Set roles for each slave if needed:

     $ salt 'agentnode.example.com' grains.setval mesos-default-role custom_role
  8. Run formula to prepare configuration:

     $ salt '*' state.sls serenity.setup
  9. [Optional] Configure your build system to put Mesos build in /srv/formulas/serenity/build/mesos_latest/

  10. Configure your build system to put Serenity build in /srv/formulas/serenity/build/serenity_latest/

  11. Make sure that /srv/formulas/serenity/build/ has write rights for your build system.

Installation under DCOS:

These formulas are able to work also under the DCOS.

On salt master node: Do all steps from above section except 5. Theses formulas will use dcos-roles.


  1. Each time you deploy and build new mesos & serenity source you can deploy it easily:

     $ salt '*' state.sls serenity.deploy_all
  2. Each time you deploy and build ONLY serenity source you can deploy it easily:

     $ salt '*' state.sls serenity.deploy

Or just deploy on slaves:

    $ salt -G 'mesos-roles:slave' state.sls serenity.deploy

Under the DCOS in case of need for reverting mesos to the DCOS version just run:

    $ salt '*' state.sls serenity.use_dcos

Marathon installation and usage via serenity-formula:

Serenity formula is able to run configured marathon as well. As default it deploys proper marathon services to systemd in HA on the same nodes where Mesos Masters are. In case of willing to run custom marathon using this formula you need some additional steps to make it running:

  1. Make sure that you have java installed on your machine.

  2. Download marathon.jar (version you want to have in your cluster)

  3. Use serenity.deploy_with_marathon instead of serenity.deploy_all

     $ salt -G 'mesos-roles:slave' state.sls serenity.deploy_with_marathon

Other information: