

Passbook for Elixir Hex pm hex.pm downloads

Elixir library to create Apple Wallet (.pkpass) files (Apple Wallet has previously been known as Passbook in iOS 6 to iOS 8).

See the Wallet Topic Page and the Wallet Developer Guide for more information about Apple Wallet.


This package can be installed by adding passbook to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:passbook, "~> 0.1.8"}

Getting Started

  1. Get a Pass Type Id
  1. Make sure you have open ssl installed, and generate the necessary certificate
    $ openssl pkcs12 -in "Certificates.p12" -clcerts -nokeys -out certificate.pem
  1. Generate the key.pem
    $ openssl pkcs12 -in "Certificates.p12" -nocerts -out key.pem

You will be asked for an export password (or export phrase), which you need to use when generating the .pkpass files.


      iex> Passbook.generate(%Passbook.Pass{
        background_color: "rgb(23, 187, 82)",
        foreground_color: "rgb(100, 10, 110)",
        barcode: %Passbook.LowerLevel.Barcode{
          format: :qr,
          alt_text: "1234",
          message: "qr-code-content"
        description: "This is a pass description",
        organization_name: "My Organization",
        pass_type_identifier: "123",
        serial_number: "serial-number-123",
        team_identifier: "team-identifier",
        generic: %Passbook.PassStructure{
          transit_type: :train,
          primary_fields: [
              key: "my-key",
              value: "my-value"
        }}, ["icon.png": "path/to/file.png", "icon@2x.png": "path/to/file.png"], "path/to/wwdr.pem", "path/to/certificate.pem", "path/to/key.pem", "password", target_path: System.tmp_dir!(), pass_name: "mypass")
      {:ok, "path/to/generated/mypass.pkpass"}